Memories of The First Pt. 2

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You awoke to a blonde shaking you awake, the white haired floating 'fairy' right beside him with a look of worry. "Gods what the hell...?" You said, feeling slightly dizzy, your eyes wandering the surroundings of where you laid. An alleyway was where you and the two sat, not much to distinguish aside from posters written in a different language. "Where are the others?" You said, propping yourself up and standing, that was before your legs gave out under you, thankfully Aether catching you. "Scouting the area, they were looking for you, well, you appeared a couple of minutes ago sooo.." Aether replied, looking to the left at where most of the sounds from people walking of chatting were coming from. That was until someone dropped from above and landed on Aether.

"Gah, shit, sorry to intrude Lady, gent, and uhh, flying thingy?" The person replied, which they earned a very confused glance from you. They quickly scurried off of Aether and hid beneath a small overhang. Shouts were heard from up above, on top of the buildings you three, now four, were in between. Which was a pretty high drop and even sliding against the walls would still be quite the fall. Also too wide to jump from one wall to the other all the way down. "How the actual fuck-" Aether said, looking up and then back at the person. That's when it hit you three.

That person looked exactly like you. Just, well, younger and wearing white clothing with a couple of cyan flared patterns.

"Well I gotta go, heh! Have fun with what you guys were doing!" The assuming mini you ran off into the crowd of people. A couple minutes later, two familiar voices were heard from the other end of the alley. "So they finally decided to wake up?" Was heard from Cyno. "Why do I feel as if they pass out often?" Was heard from Deshret. Seems as if the two were getting along well, but the conversation was cut short by Dehya running through the two, slowing her pace as she stopped in front of you and Aether. "You gave us a shit scare with going missing, where the hell were you?" The merc asked, a hand pulling the flame-mane back by her collar. It was Candace. "Give them a break." Was heard from the known village guardian. "It would be nice to know where you did disappear off to, yet still end up here with us." Was heard from the god-king, he had found his way over and held out a hand. "You're weary, I can tell." He added as you took his hand in yours.

"I'm only taking your hand because I'm not trying to fall." You noted, before recounting what specifically happened, including the mini you part. "...then on top of that, I would assume no one knows where we are?" You finished out, that was until a voice a faint green light was seen in an orb shape.

"Hello? You can hear me yes?"

It was Nahida, which gave everyone some relief. "We can hear you." You said.

"I'm going to have to explain quickly then as this is draining energy tremendously from me. You're still in Teyvat just in a memory of a forgotten nation known as High Rift, this was the Wyvern's nation of rule, I don't know what period your specifically set in but be careful, the memories of the god have been slowly slipping out in Irminsul, as far as I can tell you something is trying to get to you. This might be the only time I can communicate with you seven as my power can't even infiltrate whatever power is at work. Stay safe-" And with that the faint glow was gone.

"We're in their memories?" Paimon said, looking a little confused. "I...I've already seen this, except more of a...bloody mess than this." You said, earning very confused glances from the others, aside from Amun who nodded, well aware of what Nahida had say in the conversation of when he had first arrived to Sumeru for the festival. "But something is telling me I'm not a reincarnation, because if I was then these memories wouldn't be here for us to access. Coming to the fact I'm only piecing these memories together bit by bit. Being a reincarnate of them would also mean the Wyvern entirely, soul and all, would be washed away." This still confused the others who weren't specifically aware of the hellhole you were talking about.

"The fuck you mean reincarnate shit?" Aether deadpanned. "I'm going to assume that's the reason why you escorted Deshret that day, Kusanali had to tell you this whole theory she has." Dehya said, letting out a sigh. Generally, to her as concerning as shit could get this was easier in a sense than helping save Sumeru from the Akademiya. "There's a lot to unpack but we need to get going at least somewhere, if this is a memory there should be some sort of trigger." You said, feeling the winds pick up even through the alleyway. I mean, it wasn't called High Rift for nothing.

"As in trigger you mean...?" Cyno quarried, raising an eyebrow but still looking as cold as always. "They mean a trigger that'll affect this memory in some way." Deshret interjected. "Partially correct, I mean a trigger that'll give us whatever truth this memory holds." You noted, feeling the squeezing of your hand and sighing t yourself.

"You thinking what I'm thinking?" Dehya whispered to Aether, both of them looking at you and Deshret, to which the god was currently looking straight down, face barely usable due to his hair. "Oh most definitely, also shouldn't we wait till we stop this threat before doing this?" Aether replied, a little skeptical on the idea. "Hey, I still got that smile out of you before rescuing Nahida, and that was still a crises." The brown haired merc deadpanned.

This was going to be a long journey in untold memories of the past, ones long forgotten.

But hearts that stopped beating a long time ago, beating for each other? How lovely.

A/n: weeeeeeee, guess who has a fking MRI Tuesday?
Ehe, dis bitch :)

Anyways, good morning/evening/night, ladies, gents, and nonbinary people!
(P.S. Anyone have ideas for a classy term for nonbinary peeps? To fit the whole ladies and gents sort of thing? I'm trying to include all titles heh)

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