Entry 2

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Dear Diary,
Wait, I guess this is how I'm starting each chapter of my diary now...
Anyway, a lot has happened, so let's cut straight to the start...

It all started when I had just jumped off of the clock tower. I turned around but only to see a Psycho cut coming towards me.
And just as it was only milliseconds away from taking effect, my necklace glowed, and suddenly a green dome appeared around me...
I had covered my eyes previously, but then I had a look around. I immediately saw Sprigatito by my side, but then also the green, glowing dome surrounding us.
I then looked up to see some sort of pokémon I had never seen before. It was purple, had blue eyes, and most importantly, it had a shell on its back that looked just like my pendant!
Then, it disappeared, and my pendant started glowing to bright that it was almost blinding. The green dome around me started to disappear, all getting sucked back into my pendant.
Until it was all gone, and I realised we were now in mid-air. I quickly grabbed hold of it and Sprigatito as I began to fall.
But just as I thought I was going to crash into the group, a Charizard swooped past and saved us and flew up high.
I opened my eyes to see we were in Charizard's arms, and that riding it was that guy from before with the white hair!
"Hey you two, try not to be so reckless!" He exclaimed, goggled over his eyes.
I then realised that I had kind of thought of my Sprigatito as reckless, too, and felt bad for it.
"That being said, I gotta admit I like your courage!" He added as he took off the goggles and smiled.
I took hold tightly and then looked into Sprigatito's eyes. This whole experience was so scary, but it also meant I had gotten to spend more time with my new partner!
Then I heard the clock tower began to ring while I had been in deep thought, and then Charizard's trained turned to look at the three people below us.
He said something I couldn't quite remember, but then he told Charizard to fly off, and I remember me and Sprigatito screaming as we got higher up.
We began flying through the night sky, and the mysterious guy had told me to hold on tight. Sprigatito tapped me on the cheek and then looked away.
The two of us looked forward to see the big, glowing moon. It was now so close to us, and it made me think how brave I had been to even get to this point.
All because I had my partner by my side!
I reached out once more, and this time the moon was almost in reach then the first time I had tried, and it made me really happy...

We continued flying and I couldn't help but think, had this all been a dream? Like, what I had just been through isn't normally something that would happen to most people, right?
But then I had realised that I was just being carried off by this random person I don't even know. Just because he saved me, doesn't mean I should fully trust him, and that made me panic.
I asked if he could drop me off but he didn't quite hear and continued flying. I tried to repeat myself but then I looked forward to see an airship.
This must be the one Ann had been talking about.
He explained to me it was called The Brave Olivine and that he lived on it, which was hard to believe. He then said something on his Rotom Phone and suddenly whst had looked liked wings on the airship turned into a battlefield.
Charizard flew down and a blue light surrounded it as landed, as if it had been s protection dome. He hopped off of his ride pokémon's back and it left go of us.
Sprigatito hopped out of my arms and I thanked Charizard for flying us all the way here.
Then, two people walked up to us. One was big and muscular with black and grey hair while the other was shorter and skinnier with short, pink hair.
A Rockruff joined us too and began playing with my Sprigatito, which was cute to see.
The first person I had described walked up to the white haired guy and gave him a fist bump, which then turned into a weird handshake. The other than walked up to me and asked if I was Liko, so I said yes and asked how all of them know me.
The pink haired girl's eyes widened in shock and then facepalmed herself before mumbling somethingunder her breath, turning to the guy with white hair.
"Have you seriously not told this kid anything?!" She asked him in an annoyed tone.
"Uhhh... did I forget?" He asked me.
I nodded in reply because I still didn't understand if all of these people surrounding me were trustworthy yet.
"Wait, what did you do to get her here?!" The man asked.
"Friede!" The girl exclaimed.
I then put together in my mind that the white haired guy must be called Friede then.
After watching in confusion, I then looked down to see a Pawmi and Fuecoco running towards us, both looking very excited.
I bent down and watched them with a smile on my face, as pokémon made me feel so happy. I then looked up and asked what pokémon from Paldea were doing here if we were in Kanto.
The man explained that the two had joined the airship during their travels and then pointed over to the other pokémon aboard too. There was a Snorunt, Noctowl and even a Shuckle!
I stood up straight and realised that all the pokémon here looked happy, which must mean that this place is safe. And maybe, I can trust Friede and the others...
The pink haired girl then apologised and then introduced herself as Mollie. The man then introduced himself as Murdock and that he is the trainer of Rockruff.
I watched as Sprigatito tapped Rockruff's tail snd a glow green light appeared around it and then Pawmi and Fuecoco joined too, I was glad it had made some friends.
I gasped out of how cute it was but then knew I had to get answers so I pushed the thought aside.
I was about to ask a question but then Friede's Rotom Phone appeared at it was making a noise that didn't sound good. He then announced that there would be "guests" coming.
Mollie tried to ask who it was but Friede interrupted her question and told everyone to head to the bridge.
Friede told Noctowl to keep a look out so it flew to its post. Murdock tried to ask what was going on but the white-haired guy continued to ignore the question and told him to keep a look out while Mollie would have to take care of me.
Murdock agreed but then Mollie announced someone called Orla was freaking out about the storm coming. Friede said he would come and help so he walked off with Charizard following behind him.
I was really annoyed that he wouldn't answer any of my questions, and I knew I needed to get answers and learn more about the situation.

♡Dokimeki Diary♡ ||A Liko x Dot/Guruminshipping Story||Where stories live. Discover now