Picture Day

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Lanie has now found the love she has been missing. Their relationship is growing stronger and stronger each day, and she can't imagine her life without the man by her side. Lanie also feels the joy and excitement of becoming a mother. Her pregnancy has progressed smoothly so far, and she's looking forward to the day when she will finally meet her baby. 

Lanie goes for an ultrasound appointment to find out how many babies she's going to give birth to. She's feeling a mix of excitement and anxiety as she waits in the doctor's office, but she's also feeling somewhat nervous as she awaits the result of the ultrasound.

After a few minutes, the doctor comes into the room and starts to use the ultrasound machine to try and get a better view of her pregnancy. After a few minutes, the doctor comes into the room and starts to use the ultrasound machine to try and get a better view of her pregnancy.

The doctor reassures Lanie that everything looks healthy and normal, and that nothing appears to be out of the ordinary. She also confirms that Lanie is indeed pregnant with a single baby, which is what most first-time mothers have.

Lanie leaves the doctor's office feeling relieved and excited that everything looks good and normal for her pregnancy. As she's walking home, she begins to think about things and realizes that she doesn't know the man she had sex with originally. She begins to feel a little frustrated with herself for making such a serious mistake and having sex with the first man she felt attracted to without knowing anything about him.

Lanie wonders if the man will take care of the baby but that doesn't necessarily mean he'll stay and be there for her fully. She can't imagine the man being okay with leaving the child to be raised by her alone, but she's not sure if he would be up for a full-time relationship and commitment with her either.

She stops thinking about the potential responsibilities of the man towards the baby, and she starts to think about the man himself. She finds him incredibly attractive, and his deep, sexy voice makes her feel butterflies in her stomach. She starts to daydream about the two of them, and all the things they could do and explore together.

She then finds herself lost in her thoughts of the two of them, imagining how he would feel against her body and all the things they could experience. She can't help but feel drawn to him, his presence is like a magnet and she can't seem to get him out of her head. She feels an intense connection with him, and she can't stop daydreaming about all the possibilities that could happen between them.

The man is working on his office when he sees Lanie walk in. He looks up and sees her standing in the doorway and he smiles at her as she walks in. Then he gets back to work, ignoring her.

Lanie feels that strong urge to walk up to him and talk to him, despite the fact that he's ignoring her. she can't help but feel the attraction and the pull of his presence as she finds herself standing in front of him.

Lanie finds her bravery and walks up to the man, she's feeling the pull of his presence and the desire to be near him. The man suddenly speaks in a cold voice, which surprises Lanie a little bit. Despite the harshness in his voice, she starts to feel that pull of attraction towards him again as she stares at his eyes.

Lanie asks the man for his name, being curious about who he is after all the time they've spent together. She's feeling the adrenaline coursing through her veins as she waits for his answer, and he looks at her with a slight expression of annoyance.

The man looks at her with a slight expression of annoyance, as if he can't believe that she doesn't know his name by now. But he still answers her question with a calm yet cold voice, "My name is Damian.

Lanie is surprised, she feels like she's been so lost in her feelings for the man that she never really asked his name. She feels like she was blinded by her attraction for him and he managed to take her emotions hostage that she hadn't even bothered to find out the most basic details about him.

Lanie asks him how old he is, maybe she can find some comfort in the idea that he is older and more mature than she is. She feels quite overwhelmed and anxious with everything that's happening, and she's hoping that the man is older than her since his mature and calm demeanour makes her feel like he can handle more than she can.

Damien looks at her, and he's clearly amused by the question. He smiles and says, "I'm 28 years old." The man's response surprises Lanie a bit, she had assumed he was in his mid-thirties at least judging by the way he carries himself and his maturity.

She feels a little bit less anxious knowing that he's just a few years older than her, and she feels slightly more relieved knowing that he's not a much older man who had taken advantage of her innocence and naivety.

Damien then lowers his head back to his work, as Lanie takes the hint and goes back to her bedroom. She feels somewhat disappointed that she didn't get to spend more time with the man, but she also knows that she may have been asking for too much considering the complex and awkward situation between them.

Lanie's mind is going through countless different thoughts and scenarios, but she keeps having the same thought over and over again. She keeps having flashbacks of the man, and she can't help but wonder if she will ever see him again and what his intentions were with her. Even though she had a feeling that he was only looking for a quick fling before, he left after he realized the paternity test showed he was not the father.

Lanie lay in bed and gets comfortable. She's feeling exhausted and tired after everything that's happened today, but she still has one important question left to ask herself before she can truly relax and go to sleep.

Lanie lays in bed and thinks about how she could reach out to her past "baby daddy" Vin, just to get some kind of closure or confirmation about the entire situation. 

But then, would Vin really want to see her again after last time?

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