The Uncertain Parentage

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Lanie is still feeling overwhelmed with uncertainty and she isn't sure how to approach finding the right father of the baby. At the same time, she can't stop feeling guilty for having sex with someone else before she got with Vin. She feels ashamed about what she did, and she keeps questioning if it was the right thing to have done.

It's been weeks since the maternity test, and in that time Lanne has been trying to track down the person she had sex with. It's been weeks since the maternity test, and in that time Lanne has been trying to track down the person she had sex with.

So far, it has been a futile effort. Lanie hasn't been able to get any solid leads, and she's starting to get very frustrated with the situation. She wants to find the father as soon as possible so she can figure out the future of the baby, and she's starting to get anxiety about how long this search may take.

Lanie tries to stay positive, but it's tough. She keeps worrying about the future and how this will all play out, and she's starting to feel more and more hopeless with each passing day.

It's been weeks since the test, and she still feels like she's no closer to finding the real father. What if she can't find him? What if she ends up having to raise the baby without the support of a father? These questions and worries are starting to weigh heavily on her and she's starting to feel drained mentally and emotionally.

Lanie realizes that she needs to clear her head so she decides to go out for a walk to take her mind off things. She heads out and starts to walk around the neighborhood, trying to find some peace and quiet. She knows that she can't afford to let herself fall completely apart right now, and she's trying to keep herself calm and composed.

Lanie feels her heart skip a beat when she bumps into the handsome man. She's instantly intrigued by his appearance, and she can feel her cheeks flustered as she looks him up and down. She's feeling more relaxed and less agitated after her walk, but upon coming across this mysterious man her heart starts racing again.

Lanie smiles at him as she sees the man, she can't help but feel attracted to him. She's taken aback by the sound of his voice, it's low and deep and it sends a shiver down her back. She responds by thanking him for the apology, but she can't help but feel herself getting flustered as she keeps looking at him.

As the man talks to Lanie, she can feel her body responding in a way that she hasn't felt in a long time. She's feeling attracted to this man and feels nervous because of it. She's getting the vibe that he's interested in her too, and it makes her feel like she's young and attractive again.

Lanie instantly feels shocked and ashamed when she recognizes the man she had sex with before. She feels guilty because she knows she should be honest with him and tell him that he might be the father of the baby, but she's so overwhelmed with shame over the situation that she's not sure she can get the words out properly.

Lanie instantly feels shocked and ashamed when she recognizes the man she had sex with before. She feels guilty because she knows she should be honest with him and tell him that he might be the father of the baby, but she's so overwhelmed with shame over the situation that she's not sure she can get the words out properly.

The man notices the familiar look on her face as she realizes who he is. He can't help but smirk at the situation, he's aware that he's the potential father of her baby and he's glad to see her getting so worked up about it.

He walks a little closer to her as he begins to speak, his voice is still low and deep and it's sending shivers down Lanie's spine. He says, "So, I see you remembered me after all."

Lane feels like the air has been knocked out of her lungs when he asks if she's pregnant. She instantly feels overwhelmed with emotion as all the memories of that night come flooding back to her, and she can't help but feel guilt over the fact that she didn't tell him from the beginning.

Lanie stays silent for a moment as she tries to fight off the guilt and shame she's feeling. Then she responds, "Yes, I am pregnant."

The man then smirks as he gets closer to Lanie and pins her down against a wall with her hands above her head.

Lanie is shaken by the man's sudden aggression, but she's also feeling extremely nervous for the baby's safety after what has recently happened. The man's grip on her arms is tight, and she feels trapped and helpless against his strength.

"Sweetheart.. is it mines?" The man asked as he seemed amused by this situation and seeing Lanie helpless and trapped under his grip.

Lanie nods her head, "yes, it is." She knows that the paternity test results proved that Vin was not the father. But the man was still the only one she had sex with beside Vin, so there was no other possibility than the baby being his.

The man smirks enlargens as he loves to have this sort of dominance over Lanie, he then moves his lips closer to her ear as he whispers sensually, "Well how about I get you pregnant again?".

The man continues to whisper in Lanie's ear, his words are dirty and they make her feel even more uncomfortable than before. She can feel the heat rising to her face and she starts to feel herself getting more and more flustered as the man keeps speaking.

Lanie feels herself calming down as the man pulls away, she's still shaken by the whole situation but part of her feels relieved that the man seems willing to help her. She's also feeling slightly relieved that he's not going to abandon her and the baby like Vin did.

Lanie feels relieved that she has someone supporting her after what happened with Vin.

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