Paternity Test

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Vin sitting alone at home, still lost in a swirl of mixed thoughts and emotions. He's trying to sort out his feelings about the pregnancy and the fight he had with Lanie, but he can't help but feel overwhelmed by it all. It's too much at once, and he's trying to figure out what to do with the sudden news from Lanie.

 Vin's house, the interior is small, cluttered and messy. Vin sits unshowered on his couch. He stares blankly at the television, but he's not really watching anything. He seems lost in thought and is struggling to come to terms with the developments of the last couple of days. He's still upset about the fight with Lanie, and he's confused about whether to believe that the child may actually be his or not.

Vin slowly gets up from the couch and walks into his bedroom. He looks into the mirror at his unkempt appearance and sighs, deciding he needs to get some things in order before facing his problems. He pulls out some clothes from his closet and starts to get dressed. 

Vin is slowly getting ready, he takes a shower and then starts to get dressed. He seems to take a longer time than normally, and he's taking more care with his appearance than usual. The clothes he's wearing are clean but basic, he's still trying to sort out his thoughts and emotions before heading out.

Vin finishes getting ready and heads out of the house. He doesn't have any concrete plans for the day, he's just wandering around aimlessly trying to clear his head. He walks down the street slowly, taking in his surroundings with a mixture of resignation and anxiety.

Vin is getting flashbacks from the fight as Laine never mentioned of doing a DNA test or any form of formal report to confirm that this is Vin's child. Vin remembers that Lanie never mentioned having a paternity test done either, which only adds to his growing suspicion that the pregnancy may not be his. He starts to feel anger and resentment towards her, feeling like she's trying to trick him into being responsible for a child that might not even be his.

Vin's frustration grows as he continues to walk around the block. He starts to wonder if he should ask her to get a paternity test done, but he knows that that would likely only lead to more arguments and fights between them. He feels stuck and overwhelmed by the situation.

"I should just wait it out, she'll probably want to do the paternity test after the baby is born anyway. I know she's going to be mad at me no matter what, but at least I'm trying to be responsible. I'll pay the child support if the test says that I'm the father." So he decides to just suck it up and wait it out.

Vin is still feeling frustrated and angry, but he's also getting increasingly anxious and uncertain. He starts to think that maybe it would be better to seek a test before the birth of the baby. Even though he thinks it will also lead to more fights with Lanie, at least he would have the test results and it would give him the truth and peace of mind.

He decides he should take his chances and ask her to do a test before the birth. Even though he knows she'll likely be upset, he feels that it's his right to know if it's his child or not. Vin returns home after his walk, he has a sense of purpose now and is ready to have another conversation with Lanie. He's feeling more determined and sure of himself, so he takes a breath and heads inside his house. He's going to have the conversation with her and ask for a paternity test.

Vin knocks on Lanie's door and waits for her to answer. He's still feeling determined and ready to get this over with. He has no idea how she'll react to his request, but he figures it's better to know now rather than wait until the child is born.

Lanie opens the door, and the look on her face is instant resentment and disbelief. "What do you want, Vin?" She says snappily as she tries to hide her anger at him. She seems slightly surprised that he just showed up at her door with no warning, but she's not in the mood to be polite to him right now.

Vin's face hardens, and he gets a firm tone in his voice as he responds to her, "I want a paternity test. It's my right to know if this baby is mine." Lanie's face flares up with more anger, she can't believe that he's still doubting if the baby is his. "The baby is yours, Vin. I wouldn't be keeping it if it wasn't yours." She shouts back at him, "What makes you think that it isn't yours?"

"You never got any tests done, you just said you were pregnant and expected me to believe that. I want a paternity test, and I want it now." Vin replies, his voice is still firm while Lanie's is becoming angrier and more defensive. 

Lanie can't hide her anger anymore. She starts to yell back at him, "Do you think I would keep the baby if it wasn't yours? What do you think I'm trying to trick you into fathering someone else's child? That's absolutely ridiculous and you're being pathetic by thinking that."

Vin then gets slightly irritated as he asks, "If it's my baby then why wouldn't you just prove it to me? Yelling and getting defensive just proves my point it's not mines." 

Vin's response seems to strike a nerve with Lanie, she becomes even more angry and starts to shout back at him, "Because I already know the truth, why do I have to waste time proving it to you? You should just trust me!"

Vin replies back, "I'm not just going to take your word for it, I want the proof myself instead of relying on the word of someone like you." Lanie screams back at him, "Someone like me? What's that supposed to mean?" She seems taken aback by the implication behind his words and is starting to get increasingly agitated by his refusal to just believe her.

Vin replies back in an increasingly stern voice, "You know what I mean, if it wasn't for one night of stupidity, I would've never had to deal with you. I should've listened to everyone and stayed away from you." 

Lanie's face immediately becomes filled with rage. She's starting to feel personally insulted by his words, she shouts back at him, "Are you saying that spending time with me was a stupid choice? Because I have felt the exact same way about you this whole time. Maybe I should've listened to my friends and stayed away from you too."

Vin can't help but feel hurt by her words, although he manages to hide it. He responds back with anger in his voice, "Yes, spending time with you was the biggest mistake I ever made. I should've stayed away from you, it would've saved me so much hassle. You're nothing but trouble, and I wish I never even went home with you that night."

Lanie screams back at him, her voice filled with hurt and animosity. "Well, I'm glad you're finally starting to see me as the worthless slut that I am just for having sex with you once! I wish that I never met you at all, I wish I'd listened to my friends who told me that you were just trying to use me for a quick screw."

Vin's face shows a hint of pain at her last comment, although his anger still outweighs any other emotion at the moment. He responds back in an equally harsh tone, "Well maybe you are a worthless slut. Maybe that's exactly why no one ever tries to take you seriously, maybe that's why everyone thinks you're only good for a quick hookup."

Lanie doesn't hold back anymore, she's beyond furious. "Yeah? Maybe I am a worthless slut and that's exactly why you even wanted me in the first place. Was it because you couldn't get anyone better than me to sleep with you?"

Lanie screams back at him, "Yeah, that's right. Maybe the only reason you went home with me that night is because you could never get anyone else, you saw me at the club all alone and took advantage of the situation because you couldn't get a better woman."

Vin's face stays stern not getting affected by her hurtful words as he continues his case, "I just want you to take the paternity test. Prove to me that am wrong, will that boost you're ego?"

Lanie's face twists in anger as she hears his threat. She screams back at him, "Don't you dare threaten me with going to court! I'll take the test just to show you it's your baby, but if you try to take me to court over this then that's a whole other mess!"

Vin replies back, "Good, that's all I want you to do. I'll accept the result no matter what, but I want to know the truth. Don't even try to blame me for not trusting you, if the shoe was on the other foot, then you'd be doing the exact same thing."

Lanie stares at the door as it closes behind Vin. She's still filled with anger and frustration, but some worry is starting to creep in as she realizes that the result of the paternity test might impact her future. She sits alone in her room, trying to think of what she'll do if the baby isn't Vin's.

"He said he would accept the result, but will he really? Or will he just throw a tantrum and refuse to take responsibility for the baby?" Lanie thinks to herself, "I hope the result is that the baby is his, because it would make my life so much easier. If the baby isn't his, then I have no idea what I'll do next."

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