Chapter 3 - Messed Up

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When Maka get home, there was a girl with her. "Who's this?" I asked.

"She... Well... She's my girlfriend, Akiko." she said cautiously.

I just smiled. "Nice to meet you Akiko." I said. Then they went to her room.

It reminded me of the time when I brought Ritsu to my house during high school. It was fun having him there. It was funny when he went on my bed when he thought I wasn't looking. And then we... had sex... OH NO MAKA.

I dashed into Her room to find them sitting on the floor and talking. she looked at me. "What is it dad?" She asked.

"N-nothing. Um... what do you guys want for dinner?"

She looked at Akiko. "What do you want?"

"Whatever you want to make, I don't mind." she said to me.

"O-okay. Have fun." (Not to much fun).

Why was I so scared if they did it? I did it with Ritsu a lot... Maybe is it that I... don't want her heart to get broken too? No. I have to stop thinking about these things.

"Ritsu... what would you have done? I'm so messed up without you."


Ok so I'm sorry, this is a short chapter. I don't have much time to write today. But I just want to say that if you wanted more of Masamune x Ritsu, sorry you're not getting any of that in this book. But I hope you still read it anyway.

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