"See you Mouse and thanks again, I'll visit you tomorrow." I said waving, and he pulled away. I took a deep breath and walked in. Harrison was sitting in a seat in the lobby area. "Legend, hey sweetheart, Officer Blake here is going to ask you some questions about the man, okay?" I nodded, "can you come with me Harrison?" I asked, he looked at the officer who nodded. "Yea, sweetheart, I'll come too." He said, and grabbed my hand, as Officer Blake lead us into a room.

"Okay, and your name is?" He asked, "Lily Edwards." I said quietly, "ok, and your age?" He asked, "just turned 18." I responded. "And what exactly happened?" He asked, I looked at Harrison who squeezed my hand and nodded, "so I went home, and sat down, I hadn't changed out of my outfit, and I heard the front door open, I thought it was my dad, but it wasn't, it was the guy. He leered at me, and backed me into a wall, put his hands on me and repeatedly kissed me. I begged for him to stop but he didn't. He was stronger than me, and ignored me, so I couldn't fight him off. My phone was in reach so I called Harrison because my dad never answers the phone..." I blubbered. Harrison squeezed my hand, "a-a-and, then I told him where I was, and where the key was. And he and Mouse came to help..." I sobbed, and leaned over to hug Harrison, who hugged me back, tightly. "Okay, and what did he look like?" Officer Blake asked me. "He had dark brown hair, and a sharp jawline, he had brown eyes, and a goatee, he was slightly taller than me, and he had a few tattoos. Short hair, like in a fade cut." I whispered. "Okay, and Harrison, what's your point of view?" He asked, "so I got a call from Legend. I heard her begging and pleading, I asked her where she was and she gave me her address, and where the spare key was. Mouse and I bolted over, and we opened the door. Ledge was crying, and he was messy with her body and kissing her neck and shoulder. Mouse tackled him over, and I pulled Legend out of the apartment, and onto the sidewalk. I asked her a few questions and when Mouse came out of the house, I directed her to him and they went over to my and Mouse's apartment, then I called you guys and asked to meet here." He explained, looking angry. I looked at him and leaned into his chest. He put a protective arm around me and Officer Blake was writing things down. "Okay, and can we get Mouse here?" He asked. Harrison nodded, "yea, I'll call him." And he dialed Mouse's number. "Mouse, we need you at the police station." Mouse agreed to come and arrived with 10 minutes. Officer Blake went to get him, and when they got in, I offered Mouse my seat. "Legend, you can keep your seat," he chuckled. I shook my head, and sat down on Harrison's lap. "Ok, Mouse, what's your real name?" Officer Blake asked, "Michael Jenkinson." He replied. "Okay, Mouse, and what happened?" He asked. Mouse glared thinking about it. "So Harrison got a call from Ledge, and he answered hearing her begging and pleading for someone to stop touching her. He asked her questions about where she was and we bolted over. Harrison got in and I tackled the man who was kissing and touching her. Harrison lead her out, and I pinned him down, I screamed at him and told him never to touch her or any other woman ever again, and called him a sick bastard. I came out and after watching the man bolt out of her house, and I grabbed her and lead her back to our apartment, where I calmed her down, and she fell asleep." He explained. I looked at him, and smiled to myself, he really did all that for me and we met that day, I love him so much. "Okay, so think we know who that is, we've arrested him before for sexual assault allegations and other crimes. He'll probably go to jail for a while due to all of these together. Thank you three so much." Officer Blake explained, I nodded and Harrison thanked him, and the three of us left.

"Legend, d'you still want to hang out at bondi today?" Harrison asked me. I nodded, excitedly. "Okay, I'll take you there." He said. And we drove over to bondi. We met Mouse while he was on the rhino at north Bondi, and I smiled at him, his face lit up and I blushed. I walked up and hugged him. Harrison chuckled, "okay, Legend, you want to meet some of the other guys?" He asked. I nodded, and he lead me up to the tower. "Hey guys, so this is Legend, whippet, and Jesse, you know her." He said, entering the tower. "Legend, this is Harries, and oh- Hello Hoppo." He said. "Hello, Legend." Hoppo said. I smiled, "hi," i looked at Harrison, a little uneasy. "Aw, Ledge, it's okay." He comforted me, hugging me tightly. I buried my face in his shirt, they look a tiny bit like the man. I thought. Hoppo looked at me, concerned,  "you okay?" He asked, I nodded. "So, Hop, this is the girl I needed an application for, she's lifeguarded before in Miami." Harrison said excitedly. I grinned, squeezing Harrison's hand. "Oh, cool Legend, make sure to give that application soon, we need another lifeguard." Hoppo said, I nodded. "Yea, of course, Harrison just needs to give it to me," I caught Harrison's eye, and he grinned, "yea, I'll give it to you at home." I nodded. "And, you're harries?" I asked another guy, he nodded. "Yea, nice to meet you, Legend, also is that your real name?" He asked. I shook my head, "no, my name is Lily, but Mouse decided to call me Legend yesterday, because of my surfing, haha." I explained. "Wait so you've only known Harrison and Mouse since yesterday?" He asked, disbelieving. "Yea, that's right, but we're already really close," I giggled. "How did you manage to do that?" He chuckled. I looked at Harrison, my smile fading. "It's kind of a long story." I said quietly. The boys looked at me, confused as to how my facial expressions had changed so quickly. "It was a pretty traumatic experience," I whispered. "My dad still isn't home either." They looked at me, and Harrison hugged me, pulling me onto his lap. "We had to get her out of her own apartment, her dad was gone and a man broke in and assaulted her..." Harrison said. I nodded, wiping a tear from my eyes. "Oh, god, that's awful." Jesse said, and Whippet nodded. "Yea, it really sucks." I said quietly. "Harrison, can we go over to your apartment again?" I asked. He nodded, "guys, Legend wants to go, and I don't blame her, so can we see you guys tomorrow?" He asked. The guys nodded. "Okay, see you." Hoppo said, and we headed out.

"Harrison, I don't think my dad is coming back, and my mom can't have any visitors, can I stay with you and Mouse?" I asked. "Yes, of course. I'd hate for anything to happen again as well." He said. "Thank you." I whispered, as we got out of the car. Harrison took me inside and made me a cup of coffee, I took it gratefully, "thanks Harrison." I said quietly, sitting down on the couch. "So Ledge, you should fill out that application." Harrison said, handing it to me. I nodded, and filled it out, "I give it to hoppo tomorrow." I said, happily, putting it down. "Good job, that's really good, you have a resume?" Harrison asked, looking at it, I nodded. "Harrison, can we get my stuff from my apartment?" I asked, he nodded, "what do we need to pick up?" He asked. "I need my hygiene products and my clothes, maybe my vanity." I said. He nodded, "we can go now." He offered. I nodded,  "yes, please, let's go." I said. He chuckled and we headed to the car.

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