Dinner with the Agrestes

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We sat down at a table and were looking at the menus.

Adrien: Nathalie look how chunky that steak looks!

Nathalie looked where Adrien was pointing

Gabriel: Adrien it's not nice to point at people!

Nathalie: It's alright sir he was pointing to the steak on the table, besides nobody is sitting there right now.

Adrien: Should I ask somebody what it's called?

Nathalie: If you want it?

They went back to looking at the menu when Nathalie saw a picture of the same steak Adrien was just pointing to.

Nathalie: Adrien is this the one you want?

Adrien looked over to the menu.

Adrien: Yes please.

Nathalie: I'm going to get that to it really does look good.

Adrien: Twinsssss!!

Gabriel: I see a big plate of steak if you guys want to all just get steak?

Adrien: Like where we share it?

Gabriel: Yes.

Adrien: Ok!

Adrien looked at Nathalie.

Adrien: Do you want to do that?

Nathalie: Yeah sure.

Soon after the waiter came over and took up their menus.

Adrien: My stomachs growling I'm hungry.

Nathalie: Be patient Adrien it'll come out soon.

Gabriel: This is why I always eat from home, they take too long!

Nathalie: Relax the waiters coming to ask for our order in a couple minutes.

Adrien: I'll never surviveeee!

He slumped in his chair.

Adrien: why can't they serve our food.

Soon the waiter came over to take their order.

Waiter: Hello guys what would you like today?

Gabriel: We just want one big plate of steak please.

Adriens eyes lit up to the word steak.

Waiter: Ok I'll bring it right out!

Nathalie: Adrien did you eat lunch?

Adrien: Nope remember? We were at a photo shoot.

Nathalie: Oh yeah.

They all sat quietly, Gabriel was on his phone while Nathalie and adrien were watching other people get their food.

Adrien heard the sizzling of the hot steak from a mile away.

Adrien: Our food is here!

The waiter sat a big plate of steak and vegetables on the table.

Waiter: Enjoy!

They all grabbed their own plates and took portions of the steak from the big piece.

Adrien added tons of salt while Nathalie added tons of pepper. Gabriel didn't pick up either.

Adrien: Father why did you not put any seasonings on it?

Gabriel: I like it like that?

Nathalie and Adrien looked mortified.

Adrien: Huh??!!

Nathalie: Like not ANY at all?

Gabriel: Whats so bad about that?

Nathalie took a sip of her water.

Adrien looked at Nathalie

Adrien: Is this really the man you want to marry someday?

Nathalie: Almost spit her water out.

Nathalie and gabriel: ADRIEN!

Adrien: I'm just saying before you pursue with him, think about how he eats his food first?!

Nathalie: Adrien *insert middle names* Agreste.

Adrien: Whattt I thought that was a reasonable question?!

Nathalie: I hope your joking.

Nathalie sighed and took a bite of her steak.


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