Fairly Odd Pokémon

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I was originally going to give chapter 54 this name, however I felt that Hubris' Price suited better, so I'm putting it here instead. Please, I'm begging you, do not tell me you don't get the reference I'm making with the chapter title, because that will make me feel old. Anyway, now onto a much better pokémon battle than the one I gave last time. Enjoy.

By the time they get back to Laverre, it's the evening, and Valerie has closed the gym. Much to their annoyance, it means that they'll have to wait until tomorrow for Bonnie to be able to battle her. "The shops are all closed as well," Bonnie gripes. "So I can't even go shopping to pass the time." Though Max does his best to hide it from her, Bonnie can tell he's thoroughly relieved to hear this. So instead, she spends a good chunk of the evening training her Magneton. She spends some time using every single move they have, so Max can form a plan for her. Just to make it easier for him to think of something, she brings out her full team and plays around with them for a bit. Eventually, Max comes up with the perfect plan.

They spend a bit more time practicing this plan until Bonnie is fully certain she knows how to instigate it. Then, the two head back into the hotel for dinner. When they get there, they see Dawn and Paul sitting there, catching up on their lives since last seeing each other 4 years ago. "Where are Zoey and Miette?" Bonnie asks when she and Max walk up to them and sit at their table. "Practicing for their Performances in two days," Dawn replies, before looking her and Max over. "Glad to see you two made up." Max shrugs his shoulders and grins. "It was just a small fight," he comments. "Nothing to worry about. I'm sure you and Ash had plenty worse than that. I know he and May did." Paul smirks at this. "It didn't seem small when Bonnie came down this morning," he comments. "You should've seen her, she was-" "Paul!" Dawn exclaims, interrupting him. "Read the room!" She indicates to Max and Bonnie as she says this. Max looks rather guilty, and Bonnie starts blushing. Paul realises this and stops speaking, shooting an apologetic look at Bonnie as he does. "I didn't know your face muscles even knew how to do that" Dawn jokes, which earns her a scowl, something he's clearly more knowledgeable with.

They spend some time catching up with the two of them, before Zoey and Miette walk by. When Dawn offers Zoey the seat next to her, she replies, "Can't stop, gotta take a shower and change clothes, then I'll be right down!" Dawn nods and sits back down, before accepting a kiss on the cheek from Zoey. Miette tells Paul something similar, before quickly blowing him a kiss and running off. She looks like she did that on impulse, and boy does Max know how that feels. However, he's quickly distracted by this when he sees a very amusing sight. Paul's cheeks have tinged a bit red, and he's putting his hands on them, almost as if he's trying to work out why they suddenly became warm. Dawn spots this and bursts out laughing. "Sweet Dialga, and I thought Ash was bad!" she laughs. Paul glares at her, but it's clear that he's got no idea what she's talking about, which just makes it all the funnier.

When Zoey and Miette return to the table, Bonnie recounts how she and Max made up, and how she's going to be using his plans from now on and not letting her pride get the better of her. When asked what his plan is, Max humbly explains it, as though it isn't much, however even Paul admits that it's a good one. The conversation lulls after that, with Max and Bonnie getting something to eat, and Zoey and Miette feeling rather tired after their hard day of training. When Miette falls asleep on Paul's arm (which almost everyone immediately figures out was on purpose), they decide that it's time they head to bed. But if Miette is expecting Paul to carry her up to bed, she's sorely mistaken, as he merely shakes her awake, much to her dissatisfaction. Before they part ways, the four of them promise that they'll try to make it to Bonnie's battle tomorrow, but no guarantees on Zoey or Miette's parts, since they'll be busy.

As expected, by the time Bonnie's rematch is ready to commence, only Paul and Dawn manage to join Max in the viewing area. The other two can't make it because they need to get their performances just right, but wish Bonnie luck nonetheless. When Valerie arrives at the arena in the same overdramatic style as last time, Bonnie readies herself while Paul can't help but roll his eyes. "Palkia on a bike," he mutters. "Is that kind of dramatic entrance really necessary?" Dawn elbows him for that. "Of course," she says. "Though I wouldn't expect someone like you to understand." Paul rounds on her, about to ask her what that meant, but Max shushes them before he can. "It's about to start," he tells them. "So shut up and pay attention!" Then he refocuses on the battle. Back in the arena, Valerie approaches Bonnie. "So, back again so soon?" she asks. "I would've thought after a crushing defeat like that you would've given up." Bonnie shakes her head. "That's not me!" she says. "I've come to beat you. This time, I have a plan." Valerie smirks at this. "Well then, let's see how this plan works out, shall we?" she replies, before turning away and walking over to her end of the arena.

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