Demolition Duo of Team Terra

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The six travellers keep heading through the Kalos region, heading for the Battle Chateau, which is now only two days away. Since the fight against Team Terra, Lucas has taken to trying to examine the Jade Orb, but he hasn't been having much success. Zoey has been trying out her routines for her first pokémon showcase, with Dawn and Bonnie giving her plenty of advice. Barry has been running around the place after any new pokémon that catches his eye, or else glancing at Lucas every time he was examining the Jade Orb. Max meanwhile spends every chance he gets writing in his notebook. For reasons she can't explain, Bonnie finds her eyes wander in his direction whenever he enters his Observant State, but she chocks it up to her curiosity. It is incredible that he's able to completely shut himself off from the world around him when he enters that state.

Now, with just 2 days left in their journey, the group finds themselves camping beside a river. It's a peaceful night, and everyone is getting some last-minute practice/training/study done before bed. Max is thankful that Dawn cam cook almost as well as Brock could, which Zoey likes to proclaim that if she remains this consistently good, then she can look forward to an excellent homelife in the future. The rest of the group laugh at that comment, while Dawn goes red in the face and gives her girlfriend a light slap. After they finish eating, the group works together to clean up the campsite and wash their stuff in the river. Then, they all went into their different tents. Zoey and Dawn shared one, as did Lucas and Barry. Barry had his own but a pokémon had torn its roof open two nights ago. Lucas innocently offered Barry to share his, somehow completely unaware of just how much of a gay mess his friend had become over this offer. Bonnie and Max had their own tents, which Dawn found somewhat amusing, much to the two's confusion.

Little did the group know that when they fell asleep, two shadowy figures emerged from the nearby trees. One male and one female. The man is tall with beige hair and the beginnings of facial hair. He wears the Team Terra uniform, however his has a hood and a brown mask that hides his whole face, eyes included, from his forehead to just above his chin. This signifies that he is an admin. The woman is smaller, with flaming red hair, but once again her face is hidden by another mask, like her co-worker. Without so much as a sound the two creep along the campsite, heading for Max's tent. However, even when they aren't even near the area, C-03 (Sam) and C-05 (Sarah) have ruined everything.

A few weeks prior, before Max and Bonnie met Dawn, Zoey, Barry and Lucas, C-03 and C-05 had tried to break into Max's tent while they thought he was asleep to steal the Orb from him. But he was still awake, scribbling away in his notebook. Even if he wasn't, the two had made so much noise while making their way to the tent that they alerted Bonnie, who along with Max and their pokémon quickly chased them off. After that, Max managed to fit a makeshift locking mechanism to the zipper of his tent, making it so that it was only possible to open it from the inside.

The man giggles with the zipper, before realising what the mechanism attached to the zipper did. He swears quietly, then turns to his partner and very quietly explains the problem. The woman curses as well, then looks around at the clearing. She smirks evilly then turns to her partner and whispers a plan of action. Her partner joins her in evilly smirking, then he pulls out their signature items, a small bag of explosives. Without another word, they split up and prepare a banging wake up call for their targets. After all, the boss wants the Orb. They never said anything about keeping the boy or the girl alive in the process.

When Max wakes up, he hears Bonnie's voice calling out to him through the door of his tent. He opens it up and sees her worried face greeting him. "What's up?" he asks, stretching. "I don't know," she replies, "but I can tell that something is wrong." Max looks at her quizzically. "What do you mean?" he asks. "I don't know," she says again. "But I have a feeling that something bad is going to happen." At that moment, Dawn and Zoey climb out of their shared tent, bleary eyed. "What's wrong?" Zoey asks as she and Dawn assemble the fire for breakfast. "I keep getting this feeling that something is going to happen, something bad" Bonnie explains. Just then, Barry and Lucas come out of their tent. They question Bonnie's worry, to which she explains for the third time of her unfounded fear. The two shrug it off and help Dawn out with breakfast.

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