Chapter 3 : change of heart

Start from the beginning

"Once you're a bleeding corpse... I'm eradicating your race of demons next..."

As he finished his sentence, he screamed his battle cry, before charging at archane as fast as he can

His face fully red from adrenaline was ready to kill

His blades started to clash with archanes claws, but Jayz was making sure he wouldn't be hit by her claws with the toxin she used to knock out jasmine and Joseph with

"TIRED ALREADY???" Archane yelled maniacally as her claws kept clashing with Jayz katana's

Eron meanwhile was in the back, awestruck by everything happening, like he was frozen in time, but he heard Jayz yell

"Yeah... TIRED OF YOU'RE SORRY ASS STILL BEING ALIVE!" And as he yelled, his katana's pierced Archane's stomach

"RAAAAAAAAAAAAAH" Jayz yelled as blood spattered everywhere from archanes stomach as he starts running towards the wall with her body pinned with his katana

And finally, he pins her to the hard, making a small crack in it, with archane puking blood from the impact

"Eat... SHIT!" Jayz yelled as with his second katana sliced archanes head off, as it started flying in the air, it finally hit the floor

Erin's heart starts pounding violently as he sees the bloody head hit the floor, but before he can think again, Jayz still pinning archane's headless body

"It's still not over... she isn't fully dead... we still have to expose her to the sun... that's in 2 hours... we have to keep her body and... shit.." he said as Eron looked back

The head was gone...

"Eron! Quick! Go after that head! She will regenerate her entire body if you leave it alone!!" Jayz yelled, keeping his position with pinning down archane's headless body

"I'll stay here and keep pinning the body, and you go!"

And with that, Eron went to look for the head, as he was now all alone, going through the dead and empty hallway, he saw archane's head, now grew legs up from her neck, running up the stairs, laughing maniacally

Shivers went up down and up his spine, as he kept going, repeatedly telling himself

"I can do it... I can do it..." over and over again

As he went up the stairs, a door was slightly creaked open, so he went in

The room was slightly lit by a lamp on a table and the moon, with a window close by and a bed

As Eron approached the lamp, he heard the door close right behind him, as he immediately felt his heart stop for a second, a feminine figure stood right behind him

"Eron... please..." she said as she started to approach Eron, who frantically backed away into the table behind him, his breathing becoming heavy and his heart pounding even faster then Jayz

"I'm sorry... can I make it up to you?" She said calmly approaching Eron gently

"N-NO! GET AWAY FROM ME! YOU ALREADY RUINED MY LIFE... JUST LEAVE!" Eron yelled as he grabbed the lamp from behind him and hit the girl as hard as he could, which made her flinch and methamorph her face back into her original form

Archane has regenerated her body back

"Y-you... dirty... FUCKING BRAT!" She yelled as she began running at Eron, with her claws out and ready to rip him to shreds

And as she was about kill Eron, with him standing there, frozen and not knowing what to do

A large figure quickly stepped in and kicked archane so hard she flew to the wall, making a crack in it and shattering multiple of her bones

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