Chapter 1

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As a first year finished, the trio eagerly waiting for the owls to arrive at the window for their new school supplies on the list. Draco tried not to look giddy when he saw an owl dropped three letters on the breakfast table. Draco pick up his letter and read it. He smirked and the first comment came from his mouth is " I hope this year will be interesting as the lessons are. Hermione over the moon at everything about studying". Hermione was indeed happy about studying, she even obsessed by the subjects and even asked for tips of Second Year subjects so she could learn earlier before school even started. She made Tom as her study partner every night throughout their holiday and the three of them would do the part-time jobs in Hogsmeade in the daylight. Draco didn't study about his subjects for Second Year since he was interested to read all about advanced potions whenever he can. Tom and Hermione proved themselves to be the first student to achieve first place known to be the brightest students in Hogwarts. Draco followed them by taking the second place himself, he can be clever if he wanted to, even he didn't really study all of the subjects like Hermione and Tom. This year, he'll aimed to get a position as a Seeker in Quidditch. He felt smug at the moment when he remembered Quidditch Captain of Slytherin had offered him to go for training to recruit position for young Seeker and Beater only opened for Second Year students. " Have you seen the name for our new teacher of Defence Against the Dark Arts this year?" Tom looked at the name in distasteful expression. Draco looked down at the list and frowned at the name of their new professor, Gilderoy Lockhart. " Ugh. Of all people in the wizarding world, why would it be him", Draco murmured unhappy, his mood ruined by the wizard's name. The boys hated that name because their witch has been obsessed and decided to crush on Gilderoy Lockhart, the famous writer that had been titbit amongst the wizards and witches this year. Women all ages swooning over him like bees including Hermione herself. She gushed and sighed happily about how great his books were, he became her inspiration this year. She suddenly knows everything about that bloody fool and it irritated Tom and Draco to the end. There were few times they were bickering about Lockhart and starting to ignoring each other because they were stubborn and fought again just because Hermione developed a crush and matured a bit this year. It was more annoying that her first crush was bloody fool like Lockhart. " Has our letter arrived yet?" Hermione decided to out from the kitchen and sat down to pick up her letter. Before the boys could say anything, she squealed with delight when she saw Gilderoy Lockhart's name as their new teacher. She gripped the letter tightly in her chest and practically swooned. She discovered her first crush and found out it was the best feeling every time she thought about Gilderoy Lockhart and to find out he'll teaching at Hogwarts for Defence Against the Dark Arts was beyond everything she could wish for. Tom decided to comment and ruined her mood right now. " He doesn't look like a wizard with a brain. If he had one", he mocked with his right eyebrow raised. Draco continued to add the comment by saying " I bet he don't. Out witch here thinks he did have one". The two of them snickered to irk Hermione, and it did work. " Oh, stop it you two. Don't you know he wrote all the fascinating theories about his adventures as curse breaker and politics in Ministry. He's clever and you two just jealous because he had everything. Why do care about my love life. That is none of your business". Oh dear, she hit the nerves. She immediately regretted saying those words when she saw the look on their face darkened. " Whatever. Draco, are you coming with me?" Tom stand up and asked Draco, he, too rise up from the seat and leave the dining room while Hermione fuming at their attitude. "Fine! Go then, see if I care!What an idiot." She couldn't understand why they acted like that, they should support her as her friend, not stomping around and acting childish as if they had any right who she could choose to be crush with. Last year, they acted like that when she choose to be friend with Augustus Longbottom, who was dear friend to her when she couldn't be friends with Tom and Draco in public. She always saved Augustus from being bullied by Avery and Lestrange because they always hit him with curses, Draco and Tom participated in too, but they more to insult Augustus rather than physical bullying because Hermione pleaded them not too violent. They understand that because she hated that they have to act like a bully because other Slytherins expected them too. She shook her head thoughtfully, this morning they were planning to go to Flourish and Blotts to buy their Second Year textbooks. Hermione was the first one to arrived at Flourish and Blotts, more crowded than usual. Hermione noticed the sign mentioning;

Will be there to visit Flourish and Blotts signing copies for his autobiography:

Start: 12 P.M. Close: 5 P.M.

Hermione gasped loudly and waiting eagerly outside the shop. Then, the famous wizard finally came entering inside the shop and she followed him inside to get an autograph. She was so happy because she finally get her chances to talk to him about his amazing book. Tom and Draco were just arrived at the book shop when they saw Hermione in the crowd, still talking to Gilderoy Lockhart and blushing all over her face. She looked silly with smiley face and swooning over the blond wizard. The boys glared hard at Hermione and Gilderoy as they stood on a balcony at Flourish and Blotts. Tom's hands curled into fists as he struggled to march down and shook her to her senses. Didn't she saw how idiot he was? Draco leaned closer to Tom's ear and whispered something. Tom nodded. A small green snake slithered out of blue to Gilderoy's left shoe and slowly slithered in the leg opening of his long pants. His frowned as he felt something inside his pants and screamed in high pitched voice as he jerked violently, kicking his leg higher until the snake flew away from his leg and accidentally hit his back to the shelves. People were shocked by his sudden reaction including Hermione. Gilderoy realised he looked ridiculous in front of his fans and cleared his throat nervously as he struggled to look normal in the public. " Are you alright, Mr. Lockhart?" A witch with pointy hat with emerald cloak asked him with concerned look. " Yes, yes. I'm fine", he waved his hand, appeared to look nonchalant in front of his fans, the crowd seemed to attract to him like bees to honeypot. Tom and Draco appeared to look smug at the moment, satisfied after seeing Gilderoy humiliating himself in front of the public. Hermione left the shop and went to another bookshop; she greeted her friends with cheerful voice. " Excited for Second Year's lessons?" Minerva hugged her tightly and pulled away, big smile plastered on her face. " I'm looking forward to do my best this year", Hermione smiled back and then turned her head to look at Augustus. " How's holiday, Augustus?" " It's great Hermione. Mum and Dad invited their cousins to spend time with us. Busy but great", Augustus looked adorable with his chubby cheeks, flushed with happiness when remembering about his parents. Hermione looked at the list of her textbook and satisfied to see the complete set of textbooks, her eyes caught a dark red book with a title inscription 'Guide to Advanced Transfiguration'. She was about to buy the book, a pale hand, already took the book away from her reach. "Hey! Give it back, Riddle!" Hermione was annoyed with Tom for snatching the book from her. "No. I was here first", he said to him, looking arrogant as ever with his eyes gleamed. "Are you sure? I didn't saw you here and no one standing at this shelf, you just stalked me behind my back and decided to snatch it from me", Hermione scowled at him, hand on her hip. "Get your own book, Mudblood", Tom walked away from her and went to purchased the book along with his textbooks. 'What is his problem?' Hermione thought to herself, his sudden behaviour puzzled her. He didn't need to do that even if they have to act like an enemies in the public. Draco looked at her for a moment before joining Tom and walked away from the shop without looking back. After she done purchased her textbooks, she went after them as she saw them vacated into another bookshop. Tom and Draco were reading books when they heard her calling out for their names with low voice. " Finally grace us with your presence now?" Tom hadn't left his eyes on the book, without looking at her. Hermione sighed. "You two are still angry about this morning, isn't it?" She asked but silence was all she got from the boys. "Honestly, why are you two jealous about Gilderoy? He's not a bad wizard." "Doesn't matter,", Draco replied back, refused to looked at her. "I'm sorry about those words, I don't why you two are angry about him. But, please... Let's not fight about this anymore. I'm sorry, please", she pleaded at them. She didn't know why they ended up fought with each other just because of Gilderoy. "Alright," Draco replied back, with lower voice. He finally agreed because she looked so defeated and as usual he couldn't resisted to be angry too long if she pleaded with sad face. " As long as you don't mentioned his name when you're with us, that's fine", Tom said to her, his eyes met her eyes. She nodded and slowly smiled at them and they are in good term, again.

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