0.1| P I L O T: The new News.

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"Hasn't it happened before?
That one soul opens a new door
For as long as you're here
Of the lack of change you shouldn't fear
For, avoiding change is of no use
Today we present you, THE NEW NEWS"

—THE bells announcing that the day ended were heard. The grounds of hell have matched the red color of its sky. Blood smeared all around and there was an uncommon silence in the air—a silence present after hell was filled with more screams than usual.

        The extermination day was over and hell's population decreased satisfactorily.

         Now, this was a common sight for you. Having lived in hell for at least 99 years now, you've been met with this scenario 99 times already.

         You dared not go outside. What was the point anyways? You already knew the sight that will meet you and despite it, the sinners' attitude will remain the same as it always was.

       The little TV on your small living room was all that made noise now. Nothing new in there either. Your abode was humble, small apartment, small bed, small rooms, small kitchen.

       It was much better than fully submitting to the fact that you were in hell and simply doing whatever you please like every other sinner now did. In their opinion there was no point, they're in hell already, might as well do all they've restrained themselves from doing their entire lives. Hypocrisy at its finest.

        Living in a small, listless flat didn't exactly mean you were impecunious. After all, you ran a popular place in hell, 'La tierra de los recordados'—a site of constant festivities. Your face wasn't exactly known as it's not something you made a big show of, instead people knew you as La Muerte.

        As you made yourself coffee, the television began blasting the news.

Katie: "Good Afternoon! I'm Katie Killjoy!"
Tom: "And I am Tom Trench. Chaos at our Pentagram City as the turf war is raging on the west side between notable kingpins Sir. Pentious and self-proclaimed Spunky Powerhouse Cherry Bomb"

        What a surprise. As usual, all there is to see is a new war and more violence. In hell, such news ate the most common occurrence. You had no interest in these territorial wars. It was useless in your opinion so the rest of the news weren't worth your attention. You sat on the table and drank your coffee. Air filled with boredom.

Katie: "Next, we have an exclusive interview with the daughter of hell's own head honcho—"

       The princess of hell? You raised a brow. Your attention was now shifted back towards the screen of your humble TV.

Katie: "—who's here to discuss her brand-new passion project! All that and more, after the break"

        You were truly curious now. A passion project by the princess of hell might finally be a breakthrough from the commonly problematic things that go in hell. After all, the princess of hell hasn't ever appeared publicly in hell's media.
After a good pause, the news appeared again on screen.

        "Welcome back! So...Charlotte" Katie smiles creepily around the Princess. She was blonde, pale with cute pink cheeks. Surprisingly sweet looking for a hell inhabitant.

        "It's... Charlie..." the young girl nervously corrects her.

        "Whatever. Tell us about this new passion project you've been insistently pestering our news station about." Katie interrogates Charlie while aggressively clicking her pen. Seriously, that woman needs to be relaxed.

        "Well..." Charlie looks around. "As most of you may know, I was born here in hell and when... growing up I always tried to see the good in everything around me... Hell is my home and—"

        You perked up. Your usually bored eyes now slightly wider. Katie, on the other hand, clicked her pen in boredom and stabbed a bug that crawled into the table. It's blood splattered on Charlie's cheek. Her eyes tightly shut. "—you are my people..." she cleans the blood.

        "We... we just went through another extermination..." she clutched the paper with her notes. "We lost so many souls and it breaks my heart" she stands up, "to see my people being slaughtered every year. No one is even given a chance" she slams the table with her fist, waking an almost sleepy Katie up.

        Charlie walks from behind the desk towards the crowd of sinners behind scenes"I can't stand idly by while the place I live is subjected to such violence! So... I've been thinking... isn't there a more humane way to hinder overpopulation here in hell"

        You stare at the screen with intrigue. "Perhaps we can create an... alternative way to change souls through... redemption?"

        "Redemption?" You question out loud and tilt your head.

        "Well I think yes!" Charlie hugs a buff demon by his neck. "So that's what this project aims to achieve! Ladies and gentlemen..." she returns behind the desk. "...I'm opening the first of its kind: a hotel that rehabilitates sinners!" She raises her hands and smiles brightly.

        Silence dominated the next few seconds. You place a hand on your cheek. 'Oh poor girl...'

        "Y-you know... cuz hotels are for people passing through... temporarily... I figured it would serve the purpose... a... place to work for redemptions... yaaay...!" It was clear that demons behind the screens watching her were laughing and ridiculing her idea.

         "Look... every single one of you has something good deep down inside... I know you do!" The princess insisted softly. Then, her lowered eyelids shot open. "Maybe I'm not getting through to you" she smiles and stands on the desk.

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Now playing: Inside of Every Demon is a Rainbow.
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        "Wow... That was shit!" A demon commented as everyone else began laughing.

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