Inside the bustling Pokémon Center, amidst the vibrant energy of trainers and their Pokémon, a familiar figure catches their attention. Blade Berlitz's wife, the renowned Top Coordinator Johana, is engrossed in a captivating display of performance skills, her children Lucas, Tox, and Dawn watching in awe.

With a shared glance, they approach Johana and her children, their footsteps echoing softly against the polished floors.

"Aurora, what a pleasant surprise," Johana greets warmly, enveloping Aurora in a tight embrace. Aurora returns the gesture with a smile, her eyes twinkling with affection.

"Hello, Johana. I see you've brought along the little ones," Aurora remarks, her gaze shifting to Johana's children. "We're taking a small vacation here since Blade has a seminar at the Purgh Hospital."

"Indeed, it's a nice change of pace," Johana replies with a smile. "It's good to see you both again, Ash, Alice."

Ash offers a nod of acknowledgment. "Likewise, Johana."

However, Alice remains silent, her expression clouded with worry. Sensing the tension, Johana's concern deepens.

"Is something amiss?" Johana inquires gently, her eyes flickering with empathy.

Aurora's sigh is heavy with the weight of her concern. "Alice and Flora's sister, Eve, is currently in the hospital wing. Her condition is quite serious," she explains, her voice laced with worry. "We're grateful that your husband was there to lend his expertise. Right now, both Blade and Adam are doing everything in their power to save her."

Johana's expression softens with sympathy. "I'm truly sorry to hear that. Valerie's daughter doesn't deserve to endure such hardships," she murmurs, her thoughts drifting to their mutual acquaintance.

Dawn, ever the beacon of optimism, steps forward to offer her support to Ash and Alice, her voice infused with reassurance. "No need to worry, I'm sure that Eve will be fine," she says, her words carrying a gentle conviction.

Alice, her brow furrowed with anxiety, offers a faint smile in response. "I hope so, Dawn," she murmurs, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

Unfazed by the weight of the situation, Dawn extends a small gesture of kindness, presenting a box of homemade poffins. "I have an idea. How about trying these? My mom and I made them together. I hope they'll help you feel better," she suggests, her eyes bright with hope.

Alice's gratitude is palpable as she accepts the offering. "Thanks, Dawn. I really need it," she admits, her voice soft with gratitude.

As Serena and Lillie join the group, conversation flows seamlessly, the camaraderie serving as a source of comfort in uncertain times. Lillie's curiosity sparks a new topic of discussion as she turns her attention to Dawn.

"Seeing that you're making poffins, you must want to become a coordinator like your mom, right?" Lillie inquires, her gaze curious.

Lucas interjects, offering insight into his and Tox's aspirations. "Dawn is, indeed, following in Mom's footsteps. As for Tox and me, we have different dreams. I'm more inclined towards research," he explains, his voice tinged with enthusiasm.

Tox nods in agreement, his gaze alight with determination. "And I aspire to become a doctor. Perhaps even a gym leader specializing in Poison-type Pokémon," he adds, his ambition shining through.

Ash nods in understanding, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "Ah, yes. The Purgh Hospital serves as both a gym and a hospital. It's quite unique. And who would've thought that Nurse Joy is actually the gym leader of this city?" he remarks, his admiration evident.

1. Ash's Story (Part 0: Prologue)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin