Save The Earth!

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One day in Asia, a very beautiful morning arose. The BRICS tower was shining brightly. "Ahh.. finally it's morning but I better go to practise." South Africa said to himself. He freshened up and went to his training ground. An hour later, Brazil, their coach arrived. "Sorry guys I overslept" He said while adjusting his hair. In the tower China was cooking breakfast while Russia just slept in his room. India on the other hand, was awake and was reading wattpad in bed when China entered the room and snatched her phone with an annoyed expression. "Get off the stupid phone and bed and go freshen up, you lazy monkey!" He scolded her but she didn't listen to him and went to sleep in Russia's room. ( She just sleeps on the warm mattress which is on his floor like a cat) China was started to get frustrated and he followed her with a glass of cold water. BRICS was watching everything with a cup of tea in his hand and started laughing when China threw cold water on both of them, waking them up. Russia was annoyed when he sat on his bed and India jumped on China like a cat, attacking him with all her energy. China dodged and the cat attacked BRICS instead. The tea spilled on his shirt as he tried to free himself when the half asleep Russia pulled India away from BRICS. "Every sunday morning you guys don't let me enjoy my tea!" He shouted while Russia carried India in the bathroom and locked her there. 

                                                                  1 hour later

                                                                  Brazil's POV

I came back for lunch with South Africa. I was telling him about what mistakes he did and he was listening and answering obediently, like I truly was a teacher. I loved talking to him as he made me feel like I truly was worth a person. In my childhood, I was weak in literally everything because of my parents. They fought and argued a lot which made me very uncomfortable because I was mainly the topic. Some years later, when I was 14, my mother had a heart attack and left us. From that time I felt alone because father would not talk to me unless I had done something wrong. Then father passed away and I was alone and on the streets. I started working hard while living with my aunt who also wasn't a good person. She hated football and would not allow me to play it. Not until I met the BRICS, they made me special. They also had a football trainer who trained students for free. I became successful under his training. Now I was a teacher because of him. I found the family which I wanted in BRICS  and I loved them a lot. I felt proud, so proud, that I started to cry. South asked me and I told him the story of my life. At the ending, I hugged him and started to cry even more. He patted my back and told me not to cry. We were at the entrance of the tower when the rest of the members came. They were looking like something had happened to them. I started to pray that nothing negative happened to them. They took me inside and told me that "A monster is attacking the world and we must save it!" Russia nearly shouted at me. There was a panicked atmosphere. No one knew what to do. Silence filled the atmosphere. I saw India trembling like a leaf as she fell on Russia's shoulder. But China was looking suspicious. I swear to god I saw a smile on his face. But we are not allowed to tell negative things about China or Russia will beat me up for good. Then Russia ordered us to set out immediately. We had to go to the Ural mountains which were on the border of Asia and Europe. We quickly piled into our cars and drove off. An hour later, China contacted the Aseans for backup. We stopped by their headquarters for some time. They all came and we drove off to the mountains. Unfortunately though, the Nordics saw us and told NATO about it. We didn't come to know about it before we stopped to rest. I saw the NATOs approaching us. I told everyone of the upcoming danger. Russia and Indonesia were beside by anger while India, Philippines, Malaysia, Myanmar and China went to stop their way.

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