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First of January, 2021

Upon going downstairs, a doorbell rang alerting him of someone outside his door. Checking the CCTV, he noticed his sister outside and opened the door.

"What's up?" Promptly, his sister passed his sleeping niece to him and explained the situation

"We have to take Kaiden to the doctor, woke himself up with a nasty fever so we're going straight to emergency and we can't leave her alone."

"Yeah, of course. Understandable."

"Thank you so much, I owe you one." With that, she left and he carefully sighed making sure to not wake her up and put her in the guest room and turned on the heating.

So maybe the heating system was faster than the one in his room however, he just wanted Amelia to sleep in his bed. Could you blame him?

He crawled in next to his niece and slept not too long after.

Amelia woke up to the scent of Lewis Hamilton and it gave her heart a jump start so strong she sprung up into a sitting position. Her phone, which was on the bedside table, was plugged in and the room was not the room she had in Buckingham Palace.

Her fingers went up to her lips, the faint memory of their short-lived kiss replaying in her mind. It was foggy but it was still there.

Eyes widening she looked down half afraid of what she would find but she was still wearing her dress, the dress she had struggled to find and wore the night before.

After contemplating reality, she got up to use the bathroom dreading the messed-up mascara look that would paint her face only to find nothing. He had cleaned off her makeup like she'd never worn it in the first place.

In front of her was an outfit, sweatpants and joggers, along with a note.

feel free to use the bathroom like it's yours, use the purple toothbrush and hairbrush along with my body washes if need be

- Lewis

p.s There's a fresh heated towel in the box behind the door when it's open

She closed the door of the bathroom and opened the box behind it to take the towel out. It was so warm and fluffy that she almost forgot herself for a moment before finally deciding to shower and change into his comfortable sweats.

When she finished, she brushed her teeth and her hair before deciding to go downstairs to grab the claw clip in her bag.

Carefully, she walked down the hallway glimpsing into the room Lewis was in before making her way to the living room where her bag sat on the centre table. She rummaged through it before finally finding it and putting it in her hair.

His clothes were so big that she had to keep rolling the waist up for both the joggers and underwear as well as the sleeves. She finally made the conclusion to make pancakes as a fun little cheat meal for the both of them and made extra in case he wanted more.

It was still quite early in the morning so she wasn't in a rush to wake him up. Instead, she walked towards the piano and started playing Je Te Lasserai Des Mots ever so softly. She made it halfway to the end of the song before she was startled by a movement just ahead of her.

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