Chapter 4: Fast-Dash is Born

Start from the beginning

Lauren walks over to Donnie and Commander Morris.

"Hey, I see that you met Agent Hayes." Said Lauren

"She knows I'm a Alpha-human." Said Donnie

"How?" Asked Lauren

"I told her." Said Commander Ramson

"Dad." Said Lauren

"Don't blame me. She wanted the truth, and that's exactly what I told her." Said Commander Ramson as he leaves.

At a warehouse, the guys from the robbery are sitting down. A white man wearing a light blue jacket and goggles on his forehead walks in.

"What happened?" Asked the man

"We got to the truck, but that blur came in and stopped us before we could grab the diamond. I didn't know Sonic Man hired a replacement." He said

The man looks at a computer screen, sees Donnie, and says, "This blur is a problem. And I have just the right thing to handle it."

At the police station, Ryan is at his desk. Wade walks over to him.

"Hey, did you find the location of the guys from the robbery?" Asked Wade

"Nah, man. These dudes wore masks. No way to identify them." Said Ryan

Captain Dunn walks over to them.

"I need you guys at the Reywood City Museum. To make sure nothing happens." Said Captain Dunn

"Let's move." Said Ryan

Later outside the Reywood City Museum... Wade and Ryan are sitting in the car together.

"Nothing's happening." Said Ryan

"Something's going to happen. Donnie called me and met your sister." Said Wade

"I love my sister. I didn't want her joining Gladiator Corps." Said Ryan

"I can relate to that. She can take care of herself." Said Wade

"That I agree with." Said Ryan

At Gladiator Corps HQ, Donnie is in his workshop. Macy walks in.

"This is your workstation." Said Macy

"Yeah. This is where I build things. I'm also a science nerd." Said Donnie

"Have you done anything useful with your speed?" Asked Macy

"My father taught me how to use my speed. I was reckless at first, but once I saw how he was helping people, I've decided to be more responsible." Said Donnie

"That doesn't answer my question." Said Macy

"He didn't tell me that I can disguise my voice if I vibrate my vocal cords." Said Donnie as he vibrates his vocal cords.

"Okay. That's pretty cool." Said Macy

"It helps. My tardiness helps also." Said Donnie

At the Reywood City Museum...a group of people were taking a tour.

The man in the light blue jacket walks in and pulls out a futuristic gun.

Everybody sees this and starts running.

Wade sees everyone leaving the museum. He pulls out a walkie talkie and says, "This is Detective Morris. There's trouble going on at the museum. Requesting immediate backup."

Back at Gladiator Corps, Donnie picks up his phone. He gets up from his chair.

"What's that?" Asked Macy

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