"Yes, it is." Grey said.


"S-Sorry. The battery was dead, so they had to find us another shop, and then I had to put gas in it. But we're ready to roll now, so -" i trailed off explaining why it took so long to get us ready to leave.

"You know, when I was a rookie, I got here two hours before roll call to get the best shop from motor pool, re-wash it, and load the gear." he said.

"Is this the cop version of walking five miles in the snow?" i smiled.

"This isn't story time, Boot. I'm reminding you how easy you have it."

"Understood, sir. Thank you for all your support."

"Officer Bradford, Sergeant Grey wants to see you in his office." a man said as he walked over to us.

"Get the shop set up. I'll be right back." Tim said and walked off. i nodded and walked to the shop.

————-with Tim and Grey————-

"Come in." Grey said as Tim knocked on the door-way.

Tim walked in and Grey shuts the door.

"That's not a good sign." Tim said.

"No, it's not. Look, there's no easy way to say this. I was just notified that detectives made a drug bust. I recognized the suspect's name. It's your wife." Grey said.

"What's the charge?" Tim asked.

"Possession with intent to sell." Grey stated.

"They're bringing her in?" Tim asked.

"Yeah. I don't know all the details yet, but I wanted to warn you. So, obviously, this is a complicated situation, but know that the department has your back. Whatever you need, just ask, okay?" Grey said.

"Yes, sir." Tim said.


i was walking around to station looking for Tim since he'd been awhile when i saw him sitting in the briefing room alone.

"Hey, what's, uh what's going on? What did Grey want? Are we going out?" i asked. he looked up at me with this...dazed look on his face.

i noticed his attention went from me to behind me. i turned around seeing other officers escorting Isabel into the precinct. Tim stands up and stands in the doorway. As they pass by Grey's office he steps out.

"Detectives. After you drop off, can you come back and see me? Thanks." i heard Grey say.

———with Grey and Tim———

"Hey." Grey said as two detectives walked into his office.

"You have an issue with our arrest?" detective Vestri asked as he shut the door behind him.

"No, just looking for more details on this one." Grey said.

"We assisted on a DEA task force, tracking a heroin distribution network. They flagged a car known to make drops for them. We pulled over the suspect and found four grams, individually wrapped, which means intent to sell." detective wolfe stated.

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