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On a cold wet night, two young adults stood in front of a hospital that has been forgotten to time. Every possible entrance was bordered up by wooden planks that were rotting away. One of the people was wearing a brown bomber jacket carrying a thick carpet on his shoulder and holding a camera in his free hand. "How do I work this thing?" he asked, looking at the buttons on the camera while adjusting the carpet on his shoulder. The other person, wearing a raincoat, was looking around the hospital trying to find an entrance and ask the one in the jacket if he got it running.

"No! I don't know how to work cameras! Why did you give me this, Hirose!?" He told his friend as he walked around. "Just push the button I told you to push." Hirose told his disgruntled companion before finding an open window. "Charlie! Over here!" Hirose called and Charlie came over, gave Hirose the camera and rolled out the carpet, the carpet holding a camera stand. Charlie places the stand on the wall before draping the carpet on the broken window. "There we go. Now we won't get cut." Charlie commented and grabbed the stand before entering the hospital, Hirose following behind.

Hirose handed the camera to Charlie, Charlie was going to try something but realised it was already recording and they both pulled out flashlights. Charlie sets the stand up and places the camera on it while Hirose is getting ready. "Hello everyone! Welcome back to Cryptic Case Chasers!" Hirose introduced before clearing his throat. "Before we get started, I would like to address that I have a new cameraman! After my previous one unexpectedly left, I went to my other friend. He's new to cameras, so please bear with him!" Hirose bowed before looking in the distance to see Charlie walking around the deserted halls. "Charlie! Get here!" Hirose called and Charlie gave him the middle finger but quickly came over to introduce himself.

He stands next to Hirose, showing a size difference between the two as Charlie stood at 179 cm/5 '9 and Hirose being 164 cm/5' 4. "I AM CHARLIE B D PITMAN! PROUD VIETNAMESE MARTIAL ARTIST! I AIN'T AFRAID OF NO GHOST!" Charlie loudly introduced as Hirose covered his ears. "Can we go explore now?" Charlie asked but Hirose told him to pick the camera up. Charlie grabs it by the stand and starts to walk off, Hirose catching up to him and starts to give a tour of the place. While Hirose was talking, Charlie thought back to last week, where things started to get weird.

"Huh? Ken isn't here either?" Charlie in a dirty judogi asked and an old lady wearing a blue judogi, sitting crossed legged, hummed before drinking her tea. "That's weird. He ain't at school or his home. Where would he be?" Charlie questioned, walking around in the dojo he and his missing friend trains at. The sensei gets up and walks to a desk, picking up a note and walks to her only student. "He did leave this note here" she told him and Charlie read it aloud, saying how he'll be gone for a job he was hired for, before crumbling it up and throwing it away. "That's bullshit! Why wouldn't he text me or anything!?" Charlie cursed and the old lady told him to do 100 push ups for swearing.

Charlie starts his push ups, but instead of placing his palm on the cold wooden floor, he uses his knuckles and starts doing it, the old lady sitting on his back to add weight. "I do agree that something is a bit fishy. Ken didn't bring up anything about applying for a job, especially somewhere out of town." The sensei took a sip of her tea before getting a phone call. She hops off Charlie and answers the phone, Charlie keeping his breathing controlled as he keeps going. "Hello? This is Bonnie of the Ōkami No Michi speaking." She remained silent so she could listen to the person on the other end before thanking them and hung up. "The police came back. They said there was nothing to worry about." She told her student, Charlie about to ask what she meant but rolled his wrist during the push up, getting up and messages his wrist.

"The police told me he was doing fine and he still had his old phone." Bonnie told him while Charlie tried calling his phone, the phone ringing a couple times before it took him to the message system. "Then why doesn't he pick up?" Charlie rubbed his chin in confusion before continuing his push ups. Hours later, Charlie lays on the ground in exhaustion, looking at the clock to see it getting late. "Hey, sensei...could you drop me off at my place?" he asked and Bonnie helped him to a minivan, driving Charlie to his home. As they drive through the rain, Charlie stares off into the beach, hoping to see his dojo mate.

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