29 - Pickles - Chris POV

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Chris' heart and soul were full of so many mixed emotions. He was so utterly ecstatic that they were having a girl.

God, a little baby girl.

He had flashes of the future float through his mind as they headed home. Glimpses of Alexa walking hand in hand with a toddling little girl, pigtails swinging. Tea parties. Swinging at the park.

But the other end of the spectrum weighed heavily on him as well. Alexa fainting in the office. The anemia. Alexa's confidence drop the other night. God. Seeing her absolutely distraught on the couch had ripped his heart to shreds. If he could do anything to make it so Alexa would never feel like that again, he would do it.

Alexa squeezed Chris' hand in hers between them.


Chris threw on a smile and nodded, "More than okay."

Trevor pulled their car in through the parking garage and let them out at the elevators. He got out to walk around and open Alexa's door as Chris exited his side.

As Chris and Alexa thanked him and started to turn away, Trevor cleared his throat and spoke,
"Mr.— sorry. Chris?"

Chris had to hold back the smile that tried to crawl across his lips. For the few months now that Trevor had started working security and driving detail for them, he constantly called them Mr. Evans and Miss Davis.  Chris had to practically beg him to just call them Alexa and Chris. He was happy to hear that he was finally comfortable enough to stick with first names, or at least comfortable enough to try.

"Yeah, Trevor?"

"I'm sorry if it's overstepping, but. I just...wanted to say congratulations. On- on the girl," Trevor beamed, though he had spoken quietly, "I have two girls of my own."

Chris couldn't help his smile now, "You're not overstepping in the slightest. Thank you." Chris closed the distance between them and hugged Trevor.

Alexa stepped up and hugged Trevor as well, "Thank you! I bet your girls are wonderful."

"Oh, they are. Definitely a handful. But they're the best things that ever happened to me," Trevor said with a wide smile, "I've gotta head out, but I'll be picking you up at 10 on Monday, correct?"

"Yep. We'll see you then."

"Alrighty, take care," Trevor said with a nod before climbing back into the sleek black car.


The rest of the afternoon seemed to slide by slowly as Chris and Alexa cherished their day. They stayed curled together on the couch for a while and eventually decided to watch a movie.

Before they started, Chris stood from the couch and helped Alexa up. She was at the point now where it was getting hard to get up from their plush couch by herself. She would always chuckle about it but he knew that it bothered her. She wanted to be as independent as she could and needing help to stand up was not on her list of favorite things to be dealing with.

Alexa half-waddled her way out of the living room to go to the bathroom and Chris left the couch to go to the kitchen and tossed a bag of popcorn into the microwave.

Sugar - 𝘈 𝘍𝘰𝘳𝘵𝘶𝘯𝘦 𝘊𝘰𝘰𝘬𝘪𝘦𝘴 𝘚𝘵𝘰𝘳𝘺Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant