Chapter 28 Phil and Isra

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°•{|Narrator's POV|}•°

It was night at 5:43 and Philia was getting ready for the hang-out of her and Isra. She was wearing purple clothes with a black pants and puple sneekers

When she was finnish she went out of the dorm and head to the garden and she sit in inthe bench as she was waiting for Isra, but what she didn't know Isra was above looking for her

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When she was finnish she went out of the dorm and head to the garden and she sit in inthe bench as she was waiting for Isra, but what she didn't know Isra was above looking for her.

When she was finnish she went out of the dorm and head to the garden and she sit in inthe bench as she was waiting for Isra, but what she didn't know Isra was above looking for her

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°•{|Isra's POV|}•°

I was getting worried that Angel wont come until I saw her sitting in one of the benches. I decided to suprise her and at the bacm of the bench. When I arrived at land I noticed that she had a tattoo and her risk and she was wearing...a craftop? But I didnt really matter and I suprosed her "Boo!" I said and she fell out of the bench and she screamed. "Isra you scared me there" She said as I laugh. I helped her back up "Wanna fly with me?" I asked knowing that she has wings "You know I have wings?" She asked. "Yeah you have white wing like me" I said. "Alright lets fly in the air" She said and she spread her wings.

When we reached the sky we look at the stars and the black night around us. When I look at the ground I saw Ame talking to his siblings I didn't even know they go out in the night "Oh its Ame and his siblings" Angel said. "You know them?" I asked. "Yeah Joe,Nada,Aus and Kiwi" She saidm "Oh so they have nicknames" I said. "Yeah they do just like you your nickname is Isra" She said. "Isra is a wonderful nickname" I said and chuckles. "Whats funny?" I asked. "It kind sound like isda" She said and continued to laugh while I was confuse "What is Ishda?" I asked. "Its isda and its a Filipino languege and it means fish" She said and she laughs. "Well maybe I can be a fish. The type of fish who can stay in the aquarium to keep you busy" I said and she chuckels cutely "Thats sweet" She said. "Want to eat?" I asked. "Sure where?" She asked. "Wherever you want angel and don't worry i'll pay for it" I said. "Leta go to Jolibee!" She said and acted like a 7 Year old and this made me chuckle. "Sure lets go there angel" I said and we fly to Jolibee

 "Sure lets go there angel" I said and we fly to Jolibee

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When we arrived at Jolibee we order food in the counter. After that we took a seat and waited for our food. "Isra what happend when I was gone?" Angel asked. "well I improved country nothing important this happend actually" I said. "What about you angek what happend to uou while I was gone?" I asked. "Nothing important too actually" She said. and the food arrived. I ordered Chicken Chicken and a hotdog while she ordered a steak and I just ordered her a Mcflurry without ger knowing. ""Here is your sundae Isra" She said. "No its actually for you angel" I said. "Thanks Isra but you didn't have too" She said. "You always do that to me when we were kids you always gave me something without me knowing" I I said and we hoth chuckle.

After we ate our food we go to the park to saw one there. We sit in the swings and look at the stars again "Do you always do this?" I asked. "What do you mean?" She asked. "I mean do you always look at the stars?" I asked. "Yeah I always do this before I sleep" She answered and face the sky skyas I was looking at her. "This became a habbit of mine since me and my family always do this because...Its just beautiful to see that stars glow in the sly along with the moon. Me and my family use to tell stories and sing songs everytime we look at the stars at night" She said and she faced me. "That is a good childhood of yours" I said. "Not really..." She said which made me worried. "Why what happend?" I asked and she look at the ground. "S-Sorry did say something wrong?" I said. "N-No you didn't its alright" She said.

We sat on a bench and I comforted her. "Hey angel?" I asked and she faced me "Yes Isra?" She asked and I stand up from my seat and helfd my hand and sing the song we used to listen too the song is a million dreams

Isra: I close my eyes and I can see the world thats waiting up for me, that I called my own

Philia: *Stands up* Through the dark, through the door, through where no ones been before. But it feels like home...

Isra: They can say, they can say it all sound crazy

Philia: They can say, they can say we've lost our minds

Isra: we don't care, we don't care so call is crazy

Philia: We can live in a world that we design

Isra: Cause every night I lay in bed, the brightest colors filled my head A million dreams are keeping me awake

Philia: I think of what the world could be, the vision of the one I see, A million dreams is all its gonna take

Isra: A million dreams for the world were gonna make

When we finish the song. I hugged her her waist while she hugged my neck and our face are close to each other which made me blush "Remember the reason why we used to sing that?" I asked. "Its because we see the world different from others" She said and she smiled and I smiled back. "A million dreams is all its gonna take to creat the world in our vision" I said. "We used to dance while we sing that song in the woods" She said and tons of memories came to my head a I remember those cherish meQmorieqs with angel. "angel?" I asked and she faced me. "If...Our wish became true...What would you think the world would be?" I asked. "The world of peace where no country fights and all of us together" She said and I smiled. My white eyes met her Yellowish-purple eyes. She broke the eye contact and look at the ground feeling insecure. "With that smart brain, with that beautiful face and with that wonderful personality you don't need to be insecure" I said and she chuckle. I broke the hug "Thank you Isra that made feel a little more good" She said. "Everything for yoy angel" I said.

This...yeah...Its not Isra-Phil forever becayse this story is about her schooldays and not her lovelife. I might made one in the other books or I will made a book about the gender bend universe. I thunk I will made it after this book

Published: March 9, 2024

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