Chapter 3: A Day out in IMP City

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Blitz woke up the next day. He couldn't help but be excited to have Charlie over. He got ready for the day and made breakfast. He left breakfast for Loona and he made his way to the I.M.P office. Before he made his way out, he decided to clean the van interior and take his van into a car wash. He made his way into the I.M.P Headquarters. He got out cleaning supplies and cleaned around along with organizing the whole place. "There, much better!," Blitz said happily to himself as he made a silly face. "Knock, knock!," Moxxie said before stepping inside with Millie. "Sir, did you clean around?" "Blitz, the office looks great!" Millie said. "Blitz, you outdid yourself!," Loona said as she went inside. "Thank you Mills and Loonie!," Blitz said. "What's with the change?," Loona asked. "This place just needed it Loonie!," Blitz said happily. "Okay," Loona shrugged it off as she sat down.

Blitz made his way inside his office. He looked over at the lobby clock through his office door and it was 10:20 am. He grabbed his van keys and made his way to the Hazbin Hotel. It was now 10:58 am and he made on time. Blitz parked his van in the front and fixed himself before knocking on the door. He knocked on the door and Charlie made her way outside. "Hi, Blitz!," Charlie said as she hugged him. "Hi, Charlie!," Blitz said as he hugged her back. "I'm ready!," Charlie cheered. "That's great!," Blitz said smiling. Charlie and Blitz walked to the van and Blitz opened the passenger door. Charlie sat inside the van and observed the horse decorations. She chuckled and thought it was very cute. Blitz was now in the driver side and started up the van to head out. "I never been much to IMP City. It's been years since I have. I am very excited!," Charlie said with a smile. "I hope you enjoy your time out here! You are going to meet my friends too." "I am delighted to meet your friends!," Charlie cheered as she put her hand on Blitz's shoulder. Charlie was taking in the change of scenery and she started to hum. Blitz took a glance at her. He felt himself blush as he was enjoying seeing Charlie humming happy. Blitz made a turn to the building parking lot and parked on his parking space. "We are here!," Blitz said as he got off to open the door for Charlie. "Great, lead me to your office!," Charlie cheered. Blitz and Charlie entered the building and they went inside the elevator as Blitz pressed the 7th button for the 7th floor. As they left the elevator, Charlie was enjoying the view of I.M.P City along with him. She saw the faint outline of the Hazbin Hotel from the far distance. Blitz lead her to the I.M.P office door and then inside the office.

"Guys, we have a very special visitor!," Blitz said. "Hi everyone! My name is Charlotte but you can call me Charlie!," she said happily. "Heya princess, the name is Mildred but call me Millie!," she said as she pulled Charlie in for a hug. "You both clicked right away!," Blitz cheered. "Moxxie, get over here!," Millie said happily. "Oh crumbs!," Moxxie gulped and continued, "Greetings your majesty, the name is Moxxie!" "Charlie, this is Loona! She keeps an eye out on phone calls, emails and text messages in what a client requests. She is my adopted daughter and she is my all. You can call her Loony, Loony Toony or Loonypoo." Blitz said as he was next to Loona. "Blitz, stop!," Loona said and continued with a smile, "No way you are here your highness! I remember that you passed right next to me while singing when I was standing in the Musical Logic section during your segment. You caught me off guard somehow but I enjoyed seeing you there. I rewatched your musical again," Loona then shook her hand. "You are so kind and I do recall seeing you there!," Charlie told her with a smile and hugged her. Loona blushed but she enjoyed her hug. "You guys don't have to call me those names," Charlie spoke again with a smile to the I.M.P crew. "You guys can get caught up while I give Charlie a tour of my humble place!," Blitz told the I.M.P crew.

"This is the lobby," Blitz said as he directed Charlie around. "This is the break room and to the right is the conference room. In the conference room, we talk about how to make our business move forward or the plans we come up with for our clients. We also have small parties in the conference room with our clients to celebration the request we completed for them."Blitz then took Charlie by her hand into his office. "This is my office! Take a seat, Charlie." Blitz said as he got a chair for her and closed the office door. Charlie noticed the horse decorations, posters and drawings. She smiled and lightly giggled. "I enjoyed the tour, thank you Blitz!" Charlie said happily and continued, "I also enjoyed meeting everyone! Anyone who is friends with you is friends with me too." "I am glad that you did!" Blitz said with a smile. "Do you want a coffee or want to go elsewhere to talk more?" "Anything is fine with me, Blitz!" Charlie said. "I will take you to get lunch," Blitz said as he opened the office door. "Guys keep an eye on things!," Blitz said next to Charlie. "It was nice meeting you, Charlie!," Millie said happily and hugged her, "I can't wait to hang out with you!" "It was so cool to meet you!," Loona said. "I hope we can hang out soon." "I enjoyed meeting you both!," Charlie cheered as she hugged them. Blitz and Charlie exited out.

Blitz and Charlie were out on the roads of IMP City. Blitz parked in front of Hell's Sandwiches. He opened the passenger door for Charlie. They both made their way inside. Blitz found a clean table and took a chair out for Charlie. "Thank you Blitz for being very nice to me!," Charlie said with gratitude in her voice. "No need to thank me!" Blitz answered. They both picked up the menu pamphlets on the table. The waiter got to their table and gasped lightly at the sight of Charlie. "Welcome, what I can get you both?," the waiter asked them. "I will have a pastrami sandwich," Charlie said. "Yes, your highness!," The waiter said and continued, "What drink would you like?" "A pink lemonade!," Charlie said. "Yes, your majesty!," The waiter said. "I will have a BTL sandwich and grape soda," Blitz said. "Alright then," The waiter replied with a different attitude to him. "I will be back!" When the waiter left, Charlie began to talk. "I think that it is was rude how the waiter treated you." "Don't worry about it, just as long as we enjoy our food!," Blitz reassured her. Another waiter came with their orders. "Here is your order, your highness!," The waiter said to her and then to him, "Here's yours." "Thank you!," they both thanked the waiter. The waiter was in disbelief that Charlie was in these parts. Other demons and sinners gave glances or gasps at her. They both finished their sandwiches and drinks. Blitz payed for their meals. Blitz decided to take Charlie to the IMP City Park. They both sat in a bench under a tree.

"I am really enjoying my day out in IMP City!," Charlie said as she took in the park scenery. "I am glad that you are," Blitz said with a smile. "I wanted to let you know about what led me to start my own business." "Sure, go ahead!," Charlie said happily. "I started my business since imps aren't known for having businesses. I also did it for myself and my Loonie right after she came into my life. I wanted to change that in order for others to possibly follow something similar. I also noticed that sinner demons weren't happy when they are sent to Hell as most carry their issues from their previous life." "Blitz, I enjoy how you view things," Charlie said. "That is what I want to see with every demon. If they have a desire or want to improve themselves, they have that inner power and I want to be there to cheer them on!" "Can I give you my number?," Blitz asked hesitantly. "Sure! You can have mine too," Charlie reassured him. Charlie gave him her phone and Blitz typed it in. Blitz then gave his phone to Charlie to type her number and he also took a photo with her. Demons passed by them and were staring at Charlie in disbelief and in shock. "The princess with an imp?," one whispered along with the group of demons.

"I had a lot of fun today!," Charlie said with a smile and hugged Blitz. "I should take you back since it is getting close to dusk," Blitz said. Then Charlie grabbed his hand as they made it to the van. Blitz parked out the van in front of the Hazbin Hotel and he walked Charlie to the door. "Goodbye, Charlie!," Blitz said. "Goodbye, Blitz!," Charlie said. Charlie made her way inside.

Angel Dust surprised her. "Hey Toots, who were you talking to?," Angel Dust asked as he smirked at her. "His name is Blitz and he is a nice guy!," Charlie said with a smile. "Does Vaggie know about your friend?," Angel Dust teased her. "Yeah she should know," Husk said. "C'mon guys!," Charlie said. "Charlie has a crush!," Angel Dust and Niffty blurred out. Charlie's face was then flushed. "We should have dinner!," Charlie said calmly. "Indeed we should!," Alastor cheered.

Blitz came home and Loona surprised him. "Blitz, I notice how you get around with the princess!," Loona said with a smirk. "C'mon Loonie," Blitz said with a flushed face. "I know you well, Blitz! I know that you enjoy being with Charlie." Loona told him. "Fine, you got me!," Blitz said with a blushed face and then he asked, "Do you think that she will ever give me a chance?" "Be yourself around her and don't think too much of it. You will know then if you see her giving you a chance. She seems very genuine and kind. If she does give in, then you have the love of your life!" Loona assured Blitz. "Loonie, you are the best!," Blitz said in a happy tone. "I want to the best for you, Blitz! You deserve it." Loona said. "How about some dinner?," Blitz asked as he went into the kitchen. "Sure, Blitz!," Loona agreed to it.

Charlie was in bed. She was smiling at herself after the day she spent with Blitz. Charlie hasn't felt this in a while. She saw that Vaggie was fast asleep. She noticed a message notification on her phone. Blitz sent her their photo from earlier along with a text that read, "Hay Charlie! Thiz iz Blitz. Hear iz hour photo from earlier. I hope u rest well 2nite. :)" Charlie got up to go into the bathroom to giggle at how Blitz misspells words. She looked at the photo and smiled at it. She replied to him, "Hi Blitz! :D Thank you for sending me the photo. I hope you have a good sleep. :)" Charlie went back to bed to sleep.

(I hope that you enjoyed the 3rd chapter! I can't wait to write the next one.)

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