Chapter 2: A Day out at the Hazbin Hotel

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Blitz woke up in the morning. He couldn't believe what happened yesterday. He thought about Charlie and the possibility of what would have happened if he intervened in defending Charlie from the ridicule since her girlfriend didn't try. Blitz got ready for the day and he was humming happily as he was making breakfast. "Why are you happy, Blitz?," Loona asked. "I woke up like that, Loonie," Blitz said. "Okay then," Loona shrugged it off. Then they made to the IMP office.

"Heya Blitz!," Millie said. "Good morning, sir!," Moxxie said. "Hey guys! Lovely morning," Blitz said and then asked, "Mills, can we talk?" "Sure, I will be back Mox." Millie said as she grabbed Moxxie's hands. "What's on your mind?," Millie asked. "Mills, do you think that I should go to The Pentagram soon?" Blitz asked with excitement. "Blitz, that place is not really for us," Millie said. "Millie, I know that we all can't be redeemed but I wanted to go and meet Charlie," Blitz said. "Maybe I can help her out." "Blitz, you are overthinking it." Millie said. "Maybe I am, but it is still worth so," Blitz said lost in his thoughts.

It's been 4 days that went by and Blitz couldn't contain his desire to visit Pentagram City. He told Moxxie, Millie and Loona that they have the day off. He drove out to the hill that led to the Hazbin Hotel. He got off and fixed himself. He knocked on the door and to his surprise Charlie opened the door. "Hi, Welcome to the Hazbin Hotel! My name is Charlotte but you can call me Charlie! What's your name?," Charlie greeted Blitz as she reached his hand. "Hi, Charlie! The name is Blitzø, the o is silent. It is such an honor to you meet you." Blitz said as he was shaking her hand. "Please come in!," Charlie cheered as she grabbed his hand and closed the door. "Guys, we have a guest here!," Charlie cheered again. "His name is Blitz!" "Charlie, you really want a hellborn demon to be a part of your rehabilitation?" Husk asked laughing. "I still want to want to give him a tour of this place, maybe he can pass the word!," Charlie said as she pulled him out the main lobby. "I apologize about him!" Charlie said. "No need to apologize!" Blitz said. "Where are you from?" Charlie asked. "I am from IMP City, your maj-!" Blitz said. "No need for that!," Charlie cheered. "I see everyone equally." She then continued, " We just passed over all the guest rooms. Over here we have Niffty's room, she is the one who cleans around. She has so much energy. Over there is Husk's room. Over here is Angel Dust's room. Over there is Alastor's room. Finally, here is my room and the room over is my office where I keep every demon's information and redemption goals."
Blitz was lost in her words for bit and he noticed right away how her office is decorated with unicorns and rainbows. He snapped out of it and said,"Sounds good!" Charlie then opened up her office door to let him in. "Take a seat!" Charlie said as she sat down. "What brings you here?" Charlie asked with a smile. "I was a part of the audience of your guest segment," Blitz hesitated saying it as he didn't want to upset her. "Look, it was really fucked up how they just laughed at you. I never did and I respect your goals, Charlie." "It's okay Blitz! I appreciate your support." Charlie said smiling. "I am very glad that you believe in me! I do recall seeing you." "I wanted to tell you about my own business," Blitz said and then continued on, "My business is called Immediate Murder Professionals. I kill off people along with my crew. But don't think I do it out of nowhere. I do so at the request of a sinner demon who was done wrong by someone in their previous life as a human. It reminds me somehow of your mission. This gives a demon a chance to let go of a bad part of their previous life in order to focus on redemption." Blitz finished off. "You know what? It sounds harsh at first but I can see how it can tie up in what I want to do for our people," Charlie said and then continued, "I admire what you do! We can definitely team up and share each other's businesses." "Sounds great!" Blitz said. "Let me get you some spare flyers." "I will also give you some as well," Charlie said. Blitz made his way out of Charlie's office to get the flyers from the I.M.P van. He made his way back into Charlie's office. "There you go, Charlie!," Blitz said as he put his flyers on her desk. "Here are the flyers, Blitz!" Charlie said happily. "Wait, I forgot to show you the lounge, kitchen, dining room, triage room, recreational room and nice outdoor scenery we have in the back of the hotel." She grabbed his hand and led him into the lounge. "The lounge is used to hang out or to complete the activities in regards of redemption." She then let him inside the kitchen. "We have a section for drinks and snacks just in case the guests are hungry in between meals and to the right is the dining room," Charlie said as she kept grabbing his hand. "The triage room is close to Niffty's room. Just in case anyone needs any aid. The storage room is next to the triage room. It has extra bedding supplies and other items." They both kept walking down the hall to get to the back. "To your left is the recreational room, we get together here for entertainment and to enjoy time to ourselves. There are some board and card games. There is a roomy library inside with a lot of books," Charlie said with excitement.

She grabbed his hand and made him run along her to the last exit door of the hotel. "We are now at my most favorite place of the hotel! This is the garden and outdoor spot to celebrate anything from birthdays along with celebrating anyone's redemption or for picnics." They both sat down in a table under a tree. Blitz couldn't help but enjoy the green and lovely scenery. He felt a sense of comfort and ease. It's something that he hasn't felt or lack of throughout the years.

Husk took a peek outside and couldn't help but smirk that Charlie and Blitz were outside. "Well, we must get back inside. It was nice being outside with you," Charlie said with a smile and this caused Blitz to be snapped out his thoughts and the occasional glances he would give to Charlie.

Charlie and Blitz made their way inside Charlie's office and they each picked up the flyers they both exchanged. "Charlie, I also enjoyed the time we spend together." Blitz finally said and then smiled, "I wanted to invite you over to my business. Are you interested?" "Sure, I am!," Charlie said happily. "Do I come and pick you up? I don't want you to go alone." Blitz asked. "You can!," Charlie said. "How does 11 am sound?" Blitz asked. "Cool beans!," Charlie said. Charlie then walked Blitz to the front of the hotel. "Goodbye Charlie!," Blitz said. "Goodbye Blitz!," Charlie said cheerfully as she gave Blitz a hug. Blitz embraced it and made it to the van.

He then put the flyers that Charlie gave him into the van. On the other side of the van, Moxxie and Millie surprised him. "What the fuck guys?!," Blitz blurred out. "Haha, you should seen the look on your face!," Millie said while laughing. "We got you sir!," Moxxie said. "We took the intercity transportation to get here," Millie said. "I didn't expect you guys to be here!," Blitz said. "Let's go back!," Millie said. They went inside the van and made their way back into IMP City.

As Charlie awaited for everyone else to return from running errands, she couldn't help but let her mind race over what happened. She was taken back that someone from the news audience was actually supportive of her rehabilitation. Then, Husk interrupted her thoughts. "Charlie, I saw you with that imp. I don't want him to have bad intentions or other motives with you." Husk said. "I don't think that he does at all," Charlie said. "I enjoyed the time I spend with him. It is a breath of fresh air for someone to support me." "I would still be careful," Husk said while drinking.

Blitz invited Moxxie and Millie back at his place. He wanted to talk to Millie on his balcony. "Mills, I went out over there," Blitz said. "I really enjoyed meeting Charlie." "Blitz, I can't believe you did!," Millie said as she poked him. "I have decided to make her an honorary guest tomorrow!," Blitz said with hope. "I can't wait to meet her!," Millie cheered. "I just gotta tell Moxxie to behave. I know that he was being rude. He gotta give her a chance." "He better behave!," Blitz said. They made their way inside his place.

The night came by and Blitz was thinking about what happened earlier. "I need to make the I.M.P Headquarters look presentable. I need make a good impression on her!," Blitz thought. "Moxxie needs to stop being a piece of shit and just act normal. I can't wait for tomorrow!" Blitz went to sleep awaiting for the next day to come.

(I hope that you enjoyed the 2nd chapter! I can't wait to write the next one.)

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