" you think id hurt you? "

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no ones pov:

it had been about a week since george and sapnaps argument.

"george, please. I know you're mad but we havent seen you in days." dream says, softly resting his head on the side of georges door, his palm wrapped uncomfortably around the locked doorhandle.

there was no answer from the other side of the door.

sapnap walks upstairs, sweaty and gross with his workbag slung over his shoulder. he lifts an eyebrow at dream attempting to get into his and georges bedroom. dream steps back as he sees sapnap.

"he'll only let you in." dream exclaims, angrily groaning in a displeased tone. "god.. george you piss me off sometimes." the dirty-blonde says under his breath.

"he still refuses to let you in the room? or anyone?" sapnap asks, gaining a small nod from dream as he walks downstairs, not saying anything else to sapnap. sapnap sighs and knocks gently on the door. "hey, george? i just got home an-"

george quickly jumps out of the bed and opens the door, he begins to step away but his wrist is caught by sapnap before he can fully retreat to his rotting space, his bed. george tries to jerk it away as sapnap walks into the room and pushes the door closed with his heel. "george." sapnap spits out, dropping his workbag and holding george still by his shoulders.

george doesnt answer, very obviously not in the mood to speak.. like he hasnt been for the past week or so. instead, he slowly looks up at sapnap with a guilty look on his face, digging his teeth into his bottom lip in nervousness. "george, what is your problem. have you really not forgiven me yet?"

the brunet shakes his head. "no." he says in a strained tone, his throat practically raw from crying. "i havent. how could i? just forgive you for being an asshole to me for our entire friendship?" george lets out a soft sigh, tugging his body away from sapnap. "if you even want to call it that." the british boy adds, nearly too quiet for sapnap to even process.

"god you're so.. you're so self centered george, are you really going to end everything over a couple of disagreements?" sapnap says, slightly louder as he steps closer to george. george backs up, his back hitting the wall and sapnap far too close for comfort. "am i scaring you, george?"

"stop it."

george puts his hands on sapnaps chest, as a weak attempt to keep sapnap from coming any closer. sapnap grins and presses his lips to georges ear. "george, am i scaring you? are you scared?"

george lets out a quiet whimper, trying to move away from sapnap. "sapnap stop it, please-"

"you think i'd hurt you?"

"n-no? maybe- yes? i- i dont know." george stammers out, feeling the tears pill in his eyes as he feels sapnap press closer. "please- you're scaring me, yes.. please stop."

sapnap scoffs and steps back. "whatever, you fucking dumbass. when was the last time you ate something?" sapnap asks quietly as he strips his shirt off, he pretends not to care but the softness in his voice obviously said otherwise.

"last night? i dont.. i dont really know." george whispers so quietly he was hardly audible. he sits on the edge of his bed and tries to process what just happened not even a minute ago. "maybe this morning? i.. cant remember."

"do you want me to order you something? or can you hold off until the boys come over later?" sapnap asks, waltzing over to his closet and opening it, grabbing the first shirt he saw and pulling it over his head.

"i can wait, im not really hungry anyways." george said quietly, he questioned why sapnap cared so much. it made him angry, he didnt want sapnap to care and he definitely didnt want to care about sapnap.

"got it." sapnap nodded, changing his pants into shorts. he didnt need to take his shoes off as he had already left them by the front door. "ill be downstairs, the others should be here in about an hour. im sure you'll hear them come in."


quackity, karl, dream, sapnap, and punz are all gathered around the common room, some sat on chairs and others crammed onto the small sofa.

"so, who wants food?" sapnap asks, gaining the attention of the others. he wouldnt admit it, ever, but he did think that might get george to come downstairs.

"hell yeah, i am hungry as fuck!" punz said, flopping onto the couch, gaining an annoyed grunt from sapnap and karl. "ever learned about personal space, punz?" karl teased, rolling his eyes in a soft gesture. "no, i didnt actually." punz returns, chuckling slightly.

"okay shut up, im ordering.. uh... you guys want sushi?" sapnap asks, looking around the room. sushi was georges favorite, he knew his favorite order and just how he liked it. a small part of sapnap looked for george as he scanned the room, despite knowing more than well enough he wasnt there.

god, he thought about george far too much.

a couple of the boys nodded, others saying things like. "sure." or "sounds good."

sapnap all gets their order, puts in his own, and adds georges. he knew georges favorite order like the back of his ha-

theres a loud crash upstairs, very few of them turn to look. its like sapnap is the only one who notices. sapnap wants to shrug it off, ignore it even. but he doesnt, he knows somethings off. he gets up, trying to pass it off as him going to use the restroom to not raise suspicion.

as soon as sapnap gets off the couch it feels as if hes at his bedroom door far too quickly. he hadnt even thought about what he was going to say. sapnap twists the door handle and walks inside the dark room- did he even knock?

no. he did not.

"george?" sapnap calls out, walking over to his desk and flipping the lamp on. he looks around the now softly lit room and sees george in the corner on his bed, his knees up to his chest. "george are you-"

"fuck.. no- im- im sorry- nick." george manages through sobs, wiping the tears from his deeply red eyes.

sapnaps eyes widen for a moment before he quickly walks over to george, and thats when he sees it.

his mothers ring, graciously given to sapnap years ago, was infront of georges bed practically snapped in half.

"what the fuck? how do you even manage to-" sapnap is about to lose his temper and yell, but he stops. he takes a deep breath and grabs the ring- or the pieces of said ring. he sets it on his nightstand.

sapnap sighs and sits down next to george. "that can wait, do you want to tell me what the loud crash noise was?"

george very hesitantly answers, his voice coming out strained and full of horribly incoherent sobs. "i was trying to get something- out of.." george sniffs, wiping away his tears and trying to hold a half decent composure. "out of my closet.. i forgot your jewlery box was in there and- i pulled the thing out and your je- sniff jewlery box.. it fell out."

sapnap nods. "george, it was an accident. im upset.. but it was an accident, you didnt do it on purpose." sapnap reaches out to touch georges hair, slightly hesitating to when he sees george flinch lightly. sapnap doesnt say anything about it but he does wonder if it was because of him.

"was it the only thing that broke?" sapnap asks, far too calmly for his usual self. george lets out a half sob that was supposed to be a yes, instead he just nods. "george.. hey, its okay." the texan spoke quietly, nearly too quiet to be heard over georges sobs. at this point sapnap had completely forgotten about the others downstairs, he just wanted george to be alright. especially after what he did a few weeks ago. or this morning. why did he do that?

sapnap sighs. then he leans in, closer to the brunet across him.

he kisses george.

(AHH I HAD TO REPOST THIS BECAUSE IT FORMATTED WEIRD 😭😭 i hope it looks right this time.. anyways, plot twist and a cliff hanger, WILD. planning on getting chapter 3 out by the end of march, no promises tho 💀)

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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