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no ones pov :

george slams his fist on the table, standing up out of the chair he previously sat on. sapnap's eyes widened and george gains the attention of everyone else in the room.
"What the fuck is your problem, nick?" george yells at sapnap, his full attention on the man.
"What's my problem? Whats yours! You're so sensitive dude, it was just a dumb fucking joke!" sapnap returns to george, slamming his palm on the table before standing up out of his chair aswell.
"You're making a scene, george.." Dream whispers to him from the couch. "chill, please."
"chill?" george says, probably so loud it could have been classified as yelling. "tell this lying bastard to chill!"
sapnaps lips part to speak but he says nothing. george continues to speak in a yell-scream tone. "hes been nothing but an asshole to everyone today! hes drunk out of his mind, and to be honest, hes probably high as shit too!" he says, stepping back and pointing a finger at sapnap. "you are dick, you threatened to punch dream, you keep hitting on karl and then going and kissing girls infront of him, not even to mention what you did to quackity."
quackity perked an eyebrow. "what? what did he do?"
sapnaps eyes widened, his face still serious as shit. george wouldnt, would he?
"he slept with eret while you guys were together." he spoke, looking sapnap in the eyes.
"WHAT THE HELL GEORGE!?" sapnap yells
eret and quackity look at eachother for a second, they seem pretty upset. eret mouths 'sorry' or something along the lines of it without any noise exiting his lips.
"what the fuck, george." sapnap growls under his breath, slamming his fist on the table. he lifts up the edge of the table and pushes it over, sending the chess board, georges phone, and a few glasses of alcohol onto the ground, one of the glasses shatters and george yelps.
"what do you have to say for yourself, sapnap!?" george yelled, taking a step back and looking at him, his eyes full of frusteration, fear and another undescribable emotion.
sapnap narrows his eyes at him and pushes one of the stools over, it falling onto georges phone and breaking through the screen protecter, shattering the screen. "WHAT THE FUCK?!!" george yells in return.
he takes a step back, sapnap goes to pick the stool up and probably throw it at george but dream restrains his hands behind his back.
georges eyes threaten tears as he runs upstairs and slams his door shut behind him, although he couldnt avoid sapnap forever as they unluckily shared a bedroom. george turns off all the lights and silently crawls into his bed, facing the wall and silently sobbing into one of his pillow, murmuring incoherent noises to himself.
he feels a knock on the door but only wipes his tears, not caring who it is or what they want. he buries his face harder into the pillow.
"george?" it was dreams voice that softly echoed.
"go away, dream. i dont want to talk about it."
"please?" oh lord, sapnap was with him.
georges head shot up. "i dont want him anywhere near me."
sapnap sighed, he had a short temper and was obviously trying to control himself. he looked george in the eyes, his bloodshot glossy eyes, partially from his alcohol intake and partially from his crying prior to this.
"george i-" sapnap tried to speak quiet to seem inviting but george cut him off nonetheless. "no. i dont wanna hear it, sapnap."
"well hes going to have to sleep in here, all the other rooms are taken up and we are trying to get eret and quackity's little issue solved."
george groaned in annoyance, laying his head back down on his pillow, covering his face. his eyes hurt and were insanely dry despite the continuous sobbing.
dream whispers something to sapnap before leaving and closing the door behind him, leaving sapnap and george alone.
"george, look i-" sapnap sighs, walking over to george.
"go away, nick." george managed to coherently mumble despite his face being pressed to the pillow. he doesnt even care to turn his head to sapnap.
"george.. im sorry."
"no, you're not." george barks back, sitting up. georges head felt dizzy and his sight was blurry from the tears. "if you were sorry you wouldn't have shattered my phone." he said softly, more hurt than angry about that. "just, go to your own bed, i dont want to talk to you the rest of the night."
"i..." sapnap took a deep breath before nodding and walking over to his closet. he stripped his shirt off and climbed into his own bed.
george's face flushed as he saw sapnap take his shirt off, but quickly narrowed his eyes towards his back and laid back down, burying his face in his pillow and sighing.
sapnap sighs and thinks as he turns his face to look at george. "god, i really fucked up." he thought. he took note of the small curls on the back of his head. "his hair is almost as beautiful as his face.. he never had such prominent curls before he moved to florida." sapnap thought again as he turned his lamp off and grabbed his phone. he could only think about feeling guilty for smashing georges phone earlier. he couldnt even apologize over text, if he was really that desperate to say some shitty apology.
sapnap decided to open snapchat and send dream a text.

s: dude i rlly fucked up

s: he wont even let me say more than like 3 words.
(read 2:31 am.)

not even dream wanted to speak to him. sapnap sighed and sat his phone back down, looking over at george again when he remembered something. "dream.. dream has work tomorrow, so does quackity and karl.. and eret was just visiting.. fuck, im gonna be all alone with george." sapnap lets out the breath he didnt realize he was holding, well, maybe it would give him a better, and less humilitating, chance to apologize.

eventually he decides to lay down and face the wall, georges and sapnaps backs facing eachother across the room as they drifted to sleep.

(the next morning, 5:27 am.)

george is awoken to the sound of people leaving the house, he can hear the front door open and close multiple times, probably dream or karl.. maybe quackity.
george sighs and sits up, noticing that sapnap is still asleep. he lets out a small cough, taking note that his throat hurt. he brought his hand up to his forehead and realized he was probably sick. george crawled out of his bed and carefully padded out of the room, walking downstairs. dream, karl, and quackity's shoes were all gone. they left for work. george sighed and looked over at where his shattered phone was last night. it was cleaned up, as if the incident never happened.
he walks past the bad memory and into the kitchen, standing on his tip-toes to try and reach the cabinet to get the tylenol. hes too short and it would be too risky to get onto the counter. he could ask sapnap for help, or he could suck it up and go back to sleep. george rolled his eyes, choosing the latter.
he went back upstairs and opened the door silently, noticing their shared bathroom was open and sapnap was in there about too start brushing his teeth. george sighed when sapnap noticed him.
"holy shit george." sapnap immediately dropped his toothbrush in the sink and walked over to george. "your eyes are bloodshot like crazy." he said, softly. george just shoved him away.
"dont.. im okay." george said quietly, his throat aching as he spoke. "mhhmm..." he whined.
sapnap put his palm on georges forehead. "god, you're warm." he guided george back to his bed, george wants to fight but feels as though he doesnt have enough energy to even try.
sapnap guides him back to his bed and immediately exits the room, leaving george with nothing but his thoughts.

(YOO WHATS GOOD??? THIS THE END OF CHAPTER ONE?? hopefully I'll be able to work on this more often than my one shots book, I HAVE NO IDEAS FOR IT 😭😭)

"im sorry  ,  you should be."Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora