chapter 9

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bored out of my mind in my own bedroom i decided to do something a little...risky?

i pulled off my shirt and sat down, slowly taking off my gloves. i paused for a minute wondering if i should actually do it,

it doesn't have an effect when i put my hands together, no, this is stupid. actually..i shower with clear gloves on just in case.

UGHU. this IS a stupid idea, how am i suppose to explain how the wound got there in the first place?

'oh yeah, i was just trying to see if my dangerous touch would effect me! and what do you know, it does!' yeah no thanks.

plus satoru will just tease me and i might end up slapping him.

why is he even a teacher? not in a rude way. he could he living a GOOD life, maybe throw in a wife and maybe a kid, he's practically asking to get killed one day.

i mean, i guess the same applies to me right? i could be going to high school with my brother. i would have a better chance out there than here.

anyways, back to what i was doing. i looked at myself in the mirror debating with myself again. if i did this i wouldn't know how bad i would get hurt.

i started to get frustrated that i couldn't make a decision for myself. i couldn't ask anyone else because they would most definitely say no.

i stood up and started looking for my wallet. i guess the only reasonable choice is to flip a coin?

i opened my wallet and grabbed a coin, i sat back down and filpped it.

by the time it flipped i already knew what i wanted to do, i left the coin where it landed and got ready.

i pressed just below my collarbone. i stared and kept my finger on it, after a few seconds i pulled away.

it started to get red but nothing further happened.



i was sitting next to nobara, fushiguro on the other side of her.

she rested her arm on her knee and laid her chin in her palm, fushiguro was man spreading with his hands lazily dripped over his legs.

"live a long life..? doesnt mean much when you go die yourself. is this your first time having someone on your team die?" nobara said

"first time for one my age" fushiguro replied

"oh? you seem to be taking it well, both of you really." nobara said

"you too," fushiguro added

"of course, i only knew him for about two weeks. i'm not some simple girl who breaks down bawling when a guy i barely knows dies. jeez." nobara said her voice broke near the end of her sentence

i felt bad, how much longer who i have to keep the secret? neither of us was taking it well, of course. i still had to deal with the fact i actually saw him die.

thankfully nobara didn't have to see it, shed definitely be way more devastated. her lips tumbled as i looked over at her.

i moved a little closer to her, i didn't want to say anything. i just wanted to let her know i was there.

fushiguro glanced at her and then back to the ground, was he feeling guilty.? maybe even sad? no clue, it was hard to read him now.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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