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The worn cardboard envelope felt strangely heavy in Ethan's hand. He traced the embossed lettering of his university address, a nervous tremor running through his fingers. Beside him, his roommate Ben sprawled on the couch, oblivious, his nose buried in a dog-eared fantasy novel.

Ethan took a deep breath, the air thick with the anticipation that had gnawed at him for weeks. Today was the day. Today, the mailbox held the answer to the question that had consumed his every waking (and often, sleeping) thought for the past four years: had he gotten into medical school?

With a silent prayer whispered to the worn acceptance letters of countless classmates plastered on their dorm room walls, Ethan tore open the envelope. The crisp white paper unfolded like a map to his future, the black text stark against the stark white. He scanned the lines, his heart hammering a frantic rhythm against his ribs.

Then, a choked gasp escaped his lips. There, in bold letters, was the answer he'd craved: "Congratulations! We are delighted to inform you..." A wide grin stretched across his face, splitting open the tension that had coiled tight in his gut. He had done it. He was in.

A joyous whoop erupted from his lips, shattering Ben's concentration. He looked up, startled, his eyebrows shooting up in surprise. "Dude, what's gotten into you?" he exclaimed, his book clattering to the floor.

Ethan, still vibrating with excitement, thrust the letter at him. "Read this!"

Ben snatched the letter, his brow furrowing as he scanned the official university seal and the opening line. Then, his eyes widened, mirroring Ethan's earlier expression. "No way!" he roared, leaping off the couch with enough force to knock over a nearby lamp. The shade clattered to the floor, the bulb dangling precariously by its wire.

Ethan, heart still thundering in his chest, dodged the lampshade and grabbed Ben in a celebratory hug. They thumped backs, whooping and hollering like a pair of deranged hyenas. The celebratory hug devolved into a playful shoving match, Ethan trying (and failing) to maintain his composure.

"Medical school, Blake!" Ben crowed, a wide grin splitting his face. "The future Dr. Feelgood is officially on his way!"

Ethan chuckled, wiping a tear from his eye. "About damn time," he replied, the weight of the past four years lifting from his shoulders. "I thought for sure I'd blown it with that organic chemistry final."

"Nah, you aced it, remember? You were practically tutoring half the class by the end of the semester." Ben nudged him playfully. "Besides, you've been prepping for this since you were knee-high to a grasshopper, dissecting frogs in your basement."

Ethan winced at the memory. His childhood fascination with anything remotely medical had led to a number of…unpleasant incidents involving unsuspecting insects and household pets. He shuddered. Thankfully, his passion had evolved beyond the realm of backyard surgery.

"Speaking of dissections," Ben continued, his grin fading slightly. "You ready for the real deal? Cadavers and all that jazz?"

Ethan's smile faltered for a moment. The thought of dissecting a human body, once a morbid curiosity, now felt heavy with a new seriousness. He took a deep breath, squaring his shoulders.

"Honestly? Not particularly," he admitted. "But I am ready for the challenge. This is what I've been working towards, right?"

Ben clapped him on the back, his usual lightheartedness tinged with a touch of understanding.  "Exactly," he said.  "This is your dream, Ethan. You got this."

THE MEDICAL STUDENT Where stories live. Discover now