Chapter 13: White Rooms and Nurses

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

White surrounded me, hurting my eyes to have open. Sun rays cascaded in from the windows, elegantly laying on the empty furniture by the window. Disappointment flooded me as I saw, no one was here for me.

The IV clung to my arm, wires running from me to the monitor, all of them panicking when I ripped them off of me.

I just want out of here.

Running towards the door, accidentally slamming it behind me as I tried to leave. I cringed as the door slammed, realizing it would give me away to the nurse staff. But there was no one here. It was the middle of the day, why was there no one in the hospital? I reopened my own room door, seeing the sunlight once so bright, disappeared as the new moon's darkness invaded.

How is it night? It was just midday. Where are the nurses? Shouldn't have they been alarmed to my IV being ripped out too?

Back in the hallway, I investigated the rooms, trying to find any evidence of human life. The doors morphed in front of me, and name placard reading 'Enji Todoroki'.

How did Endeavor get in here?

I rushed into the door, seeing nothing but darkness from the beginning. The horrible memory restarted, being teleported by grey slime like just a couple days ago now. My hands felt smaller, now being gloved as well. A hand pushed between my neck and back, urging me forward into the traditional Japanese styled house.

"This is (Y/n) Chisaki. She will be living with us from now until further notice." Endeavor had just stated, but his voice was so naturally loud it sounded like he yelled it, despite the kids being just a few meters away from him. I recognized the kids from the picture he gave me, telling me to memorize their names. They all looked unique, but similar, with their mixes of white and red hair, completely different from my (h/c) hair. I bowed deeply,

"Thank you very much for welcoming me to your home. I hope I can repay the favor some day."

No longer in control of my body, I realized what was happening. I'm in a dream of my own memories.

None of them looked happy, confusion being the best emotion I could see, anger being the worst. The picture told me that was Natsuo, with pure white hair and a bulky build. He stormed out of the house, not sparing me a second glance.

"I'm not allowing you to replace our brother with someone you found off the street!" He yelled as he slammed the door.

It took me years to find out he was talking about Touya, his dead brother, and I couldn't ever bring myself to blame him for that feeling.

"Fuyumi, Shoto, please show her around while I speak with Natsuo. She'll be placed in the guest room." they nodded, yet reluctantly for the two tone haired boy.

Fuyumi's confusion had melted into excitement, showing me every room in the house until finally nearing the bedroom portion.

"Here, this is your room now! It's right next to mine, so if you ever need anything, I'm here to help! Shoto is on the other side. How about we get a piece of paper and you can write your name on it and put it on the door!"

"I....can't write. I'm sorry. I've never gone to school to learn."

"Didn't know we took in strays." It was the first time he had talked this entire time, his first words that were even somewhat directed at me. That would be the last for a while, as he walked into his room after saying it.

I had forgotten there was once a time Sho and I weren't friends, he really hated me when I first got there.

"Shoto! Even if you walk away from me, we are still talking about this later! I am so sorry about him, he doesn't have the best relationship with our father, so he's been crabby since he's gotten back. It's not your fault I promise! How about I help you with writing your name?"

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