Chapter 14: Clones and Agony

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"Today, with the help of Ectoplasm, Cementoss, and Midnight, you will create two ultimate moves, for use in the provisional license exam." Mr. Aizawa announced, not wasting a single moment after the bell rang. The 3 previously mentioned heroes busted through the door, as if they had rehearsed this moment.

"Ultimate moves should use your total knowledge of your quirk, something that will ensure you win against your opponent." Ectoplasm explained.

"You need to lean into your strengths, do something only you can do." Cementoss cleared up, trying to help us get ideas for our ultimate moves.

"Most pros have an ultimate move, something that also helps them stand out from the abundance of heroes coming out every year. Those who don't have an ultimate move, are fools." Midnight expressed her concerns in a mild way for once, opposite of her usual personality.

"Now that you've been prepped on what we're doing, change into your hero costumes and meet us in Gym Gamma."


Cementoss used his quirk to give us a unique terrain in the gym, setting us into places to practice our ultimate moves.

I used my quirk to help get me up to the top, as I would be able to catch myself if I should fall off. This does seem like a huge safety hazard for those who can't now that I think about it, why aren't we more spread out?

"Have you any ideas for your ultimate moves yet, Todoroki?" Ectoplasm's clone asked.

"You know, when you have the same quirk as someone else, it's hard to set yourself apart. I'm sure other's with more mainstream quirks feel the same, I'm not special in any regard for that. But, perhaps there is something I can do."

"Show me."

"I have two versions of the same move, since I have to be touching something to do it. A mode for the ground, and one when I'm midair."

"Start with the midair one." He made more clones of himself, all standing in front of me. Taking off my gloves, I felt everything around me. Alright, make myself lighter first, attach helium to my suit. His clones didn't give me much time before they started attacking, but I was able to dodge, jumping with more height than average. Landing once again, I took a deep breathe before jumping again, and balancing myself in the air. Ectoplasm's clones followed me up, using each other to jump off of, and propel themselves forward. Only two out of the five were able to make it up to me due to this, but two pro heroes are still scary. I took a deep breath, visualizing the air and how I wanted it to move. Each air current had a purpose, but moving them like this was exhausting.

First, discombobulate, destroy his sense of balance and direction. The air moved Ectoplasm around, not very far away from me, but turned him upside-down and side to side. I could practically see him getting motion sick in the air. Second, attack now that I bought myself some time. All of the air currents formed into one, sending Ectoplasm soaring into the ground, not the one that we started on, but all the way down at the bottom of the faux mountain.

"Air Current Overhaul!" I screamed the name for my move, sounding stupid as I fell back down to the ground. I had used all of my stamina in one move, not saving anything to break my fall. If Ectoplasm had been any nicer of a teacher, he could've caught me. However me falling on my face was what he deemed a good lesson of what I could do better.

"I think you already know what I'm going to say. It's an ultimate move, but you can't put everything into one move if it'll leave you useless in the field. You will only be a burden on your teammates or worse, if you're fighting alone." His words cut deep, but none of them weren't true.

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