chapter 3.

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As the train slowly chugged into Ottery St. Catchpole station, Kali peered eagerly out of the window, her heart pounding with anticipation. It had been a long journey, filled with thoughts of the past and worries about the future, but now she was finally home.

As the doors slid open, Kali stepped out onto the platform, her eyes scanning the crowd for familiar faces. And there they were, her parents, waiting for their only child with open arms and beaming smiles.

With a joyful cry, Kali rushed forward, throwing her arms around her parents in a tight embrace. Tears of happiness welled up in her eyes as she felt their warmth and love enveloping her.

After the fight with Ranrok that left Kali injured and confined to the infirmary for nearly a week, her parents rushed to Hogwarts to be by her side. Being high-ranking officials in the Ministry of Magic, they were granted permission to visit their daughter during her recovery.

This was the first time Avery and Olivia Haynes had seen her daughter again after the incident.

Following her recovery, Kali's parents made the decision to retire early and move to Ottery St. Catchpole, seeking a peaceful and tranquil environment for their daughter after such a traumatic event.

Excitedly, they accompanied their daughter to the new estate, hopeful that the change of scenery would aid in her recovery over the summer.

As Kali arrived at their new family estate in Ottery St. Catchpole, she was greeted by the sight of a sprawling property surrounded by lush greenery. However, amidst the beauty of the estate, there were also signs of the recent move scattered across the lawn. Boxes of various sizes were strewn about, waiting to be unpacked and settled into their new home.

Despite the chaos of the moving process, the estate exuded a sense of serenity and tranquillity. Kali was speechless for a while, thinking about all the things she could do here.

Though her parents insisted that she rest after the journey, the couldn't shake off her eagerness to help with the boxes.

She tied up her shoulder-length hair in a half ponytail with the excitement of exploring their new family estate and the prospect of settling into her new surroundings spurred her into action.

With renewed energy and excitement, they set to the task of unpacking and settling into their new home, the promise of new beginnings and adventures ahead filling their heads with anticipation.

As the Haynes were picking up one of the last boxes on the lawn, the sound of footsteps drew their attention towards the entrance of the estate. A young red-haired man was coming towards them with a basket of muffins in his hand, his friendly smile lighting up his face as he approached.

"Hello!" He waved and called cheerfully from a distance.

"Hello!" Mr. Haynes returned the greeting, then leaned in to whisper to his family, "Who is that?"

A slight surprise flickered across Kali's face. She hadn't expected to see him so soon after their move, and his unexpected arrival caught her off guard.

"Hello, welcome to Ottery St. Catchpole." The boy said.

Kali stepped forward, a warm smile gracing her lips as she gestured towards her parents. "Mum, Dad, this is Garreth Weasley, a fellow fifth-year from Hogwarts."

"Oh!" Mrs. Haynes exclaimed, recognition dawning on her face. "You must be Matilda Weasley's nephew."

Garreth nodded, a friendly smile spreading across his features as he acknowledged the connection.

Her parents exchanged nods of gratitude, extending their thanks to Garreth. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Garreth," her father said warmly, offering his hand for a handshake.

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