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Elliot's messaged me again. He says that we should stop meeting up because it's inappropriate. For fucks sake, if it was so inappropriate then he shouldn't of gone along with it and now he will deal with what he got himself into. I message him saying I will out him to the school and he will get fired and possible jail time. He doesn't respond after that. I need to do something to convince him not to bail. I drive over to the ivy house hotel where I've been meeting him and go into the room that he booked for us. I get undressed and take a picture of myself with only my underwear on hoping it will be convincing enough to get him to keep coming back.
I don't want to do this, I really don't, but I have to for the sake of surviving. Maybe there's other ways, but this is best way. I'm good at black mail which is why I did this. I decide to go home and print it out and leave it in his classroom when we go back to school tomorrow. I put my clothes on and walk out and run into the owner.
"Hello, sweetie, anything you need." The women says.
"Yeah, I just forgot something, thanks." And walk away not having time for small talk. I get into my car and drive, I need to get home, i have nothing left do but go along with my previous plans.
Once I get home Jason calls me from the kitchen telling me he needs to talk to me. He doesn't know I know does he. Mom and Becca aren't home. I'm alone in the house with him. He won't kill me, he can't, I try to remind myself to stay rational.
I walk into the kitchen.
"Hey, what do you need." I say trying to stay calm.
"I heard about what happened with that Nat Da Silva girl." He says. Thank the lord, he doesn't know. But who told him about Nat. Not my friends they know I would ruin them if they did, so who?
"Who told you that." I ask.
"One of your teachers, Naomi Wards dad, Elliot." The rage that courses through me has the power to kill. Of course he did. I assume he made some kind of deal saying that he wouldn't tell the principal, as long as nothing like it happens again, but in other words, If I tell, I get expelled and that's the end of my future. Fucking ass hole. I'm still going to leave the picture in there, it's not the end yet. I always win. And he thinks he's got the upper hand, but he doesn't. I will ruin his pathetic life, and make him suffer for what he's done. No one gets past me that easily.
"Right, well that's not the point, Andie you can't go around bullying other kids, if this gets out you will be expelled." He's talking to me about bullying. It's so ironic. He murders women and he talks to me about respect about bullying. He gives me a lecture and I want to go to that knife draw and stab him until he's as dead as the women he killed.
I go to room and slam the door, I start crying and throwing stuff all around my room. I'm so fucking sick of this. I slide down the wall with my head In my hands and start bawling. Why me? Why did this have to happen to me. I just want to be safe that's all I want. I swear. I just want to get out of here with Becca and leave a Normal life. But no one's letting me do that. I just want to be ok. Why am I not ok. When I was younger dad would teach me and Becca about respect and staying quiet. One time he said that children should be seen and not heard. What the fuck does that even mean. He said women should act a certain way. I've only now realised how sick that was. No wonder I am the way I am growing up around him, it's sick. I should just kill myself before he gets a chance. Overdoes, jump of a cliff, suffocate myself. But the what would Becca do, she would be all alone and I can't do that to her. It's hurt my heart to think of her all alone in this sick world. I just want to protect her i don't even know if I care about myself. I fall asleep on the floor and wake up to my alarm. I don't want to go to school, but if I want to escape this fucked up town I need to cooperate with myself. And maybe I get a happy ending. I just have to fight for it. I put my uniform on and leave the house. Becca walked to school. I don't see Jess around much anymore, they must have gotten into an argument.
Once I get to school I meet Emma and Chloe by the gate as usual. My hair looks a mess and I've probably got bags under my eyes.
They look at me with concerned and it pisses me off.
"Don't say a word" I say and walk ahead of them.
"Are you alright, Andie." Emma ask.
"Yes, I'm fine. Are you?" I ask trying to make it look like I'm not fucking annoyed at the question. I swear to god I'm on the verge of beating someone up, or smashing there head up a wall. I've never had such violent thoughts but I'm not exactly the same person I was a year ago. I'm slowly going insane.
"I've need to be somewhere", I say stopping, "so you two go ahead of me, I'll meet you by the gate later."
"Ok, are sure, we can walk you there." Chloe suggests.
"No, I have to go on my own, but you'll both be late so go ahead." I say and walk off.
I start walking toward Mr Wards classroom. Once I get there I knock before coming in. Mr Wards eyes go wide when he sees me.
"Andrea, what is it you need." He asks.
" I just needed to talk to you about an assignment." He's in the middle of teaching, there's 30 students watching right now and Elliot looks like he's about to shit himself. That'll teach him not to fuck around with me.
"Um, everyone get back to work please." He says and waves his hand to suggest I mover forward. I glare at him and walk up to him and whisper in his ear. "I came to school early to drop off a picture of me with no clothes on, it's somewhere in this classroom, so I suggest you find it before someone else does." I say repulsed by myself and my own words. But I have to do this for the sake of Becca. I walk out the room leaving him with my last words to him. I hope he's not stupid enough to think he can get away with something like that again. I walk outside for fresh air. I decide to just skip first period. I sit on the entrance steps and put my earphones in and press play on my phone. I see a girl and her mom and dad on a walk with her dog. The girl looks about three. She's blonde with little pigtails in her hair, she's holding her mom and dads hand as they swing arms playfully while the mom also try's to keep control of the dog. I wonder what it's like to have a dad that actually cares and isn't a bad person. I've never thought of my dad as a good person and I certainly don't now. But when I see the way the little girl looks into her fathers eyes, I can only see care and love. I was never gifted that.
Hi, I'm trying to update more frequently for those who read it. I'm trying to slow it down as I think it's going to fast paced, but I don't really know how much detail It needs. But anyway thanks for making it to the end.

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