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*one year later*
I've been saving up the money from Howie, my drug dealer for a year now. I need to think of something to get me into college now. I took my plan into action with Mr Ward, I feel bad but, I said anything at all costs. I have another date set to meet up with Harriet. I like going to see her now, I don't know why, but I feel like she gets it. I know she probably doesn't but it feels like she does. I'm starting to become terrified. Every time I see Jason, I keep thinking he's looking at me differently. Maybe I'm just being paranoid, he can't kill me without looking like a suspect and he can't risk is precious reputation. If I'm going to go through with my plan with Mr Ward, I need to make him go along with it as-well. I know his wife died and I know it's cruel, but I think that will put him in a vulnerable enough state to go along with it. I just have to be convincing enough.
I didn't know how to cope with it all, so I wrote an email to myself saying I know who the DT killer is.
I can't send it to anyone, I can't, not until I find a way to prove its true.
My phone starts ringing.
"Yeah." I say.
"Hey, when are you leaving," Emma says down the phone.
"Now, see you there." And hang up the phone.
I'm going out with Emma and Chloe. I told them I'm seeing and older guy but they don't know who. I like winding them up, it's like winding up a dog but less cruel because there not. They also ask where I get my money from and I just smile and wink at them. It feels good having power over something in my life.
I put in another date for the ivy house hotel with Elliot Ward, which is where I meet him. I don't want to do it. I really don't. But I have to.
I put my head in my hands and just think. I hear another ding on my phone which takes me out of my daze. I like doing that. Going into the darkness to escape. It feels like a different world. I don't know when I became so dark. I just don't know anything anymore.
I get my bag and leave saying goodbye to mom on the way out.
I get in my car and start playing music. Once I get to the park me and my friends hang out in I can see Emma walking towards me in the distance. I decide to let her walk to me. I hate the moments in between walking towards someone, it's always really awkward, like you don't know what to do, or if you should even speak yet. Once she gets to me, it's a relief.
"Hey, they said to meet them by the climbing frame." She says.
"Ok cool, do you have gum, I didn't get too brush my teeth before I left, Becca wouldn't get out the bathroom, the little shit." I say.
Becca's really been getting on my nerves lately. She's doing things she know will piss me off. Like using all the hot water before I get in the shower and making me late for school when she won't shift her fat ass. And when she showed up at a fucking calamity party, while she and her weird friend just sat in the corner all night and then Becca must have bailed on Jess because she came up to me asking where she was. I didn't see her after that. When I woke up the next morning to ask her where she was, she just said she'd gone home, because she was tired.
"Yeah, here, you can have the last one." She says.
"Thanks." I say and we start walking over to the climbing frame on the other side of the park.
Once we get there, Chloe and Chris Parks are having a conversation. Chris is said to be the hottest guy in school, but I don't think he's that good looking. He has dark brown hair and blue eyes, with an incredibly sharp jawline. He's wearing a long t-shirt under a small jacket, which looks ridiculous on him, and skinny jeans. He's a walking ick if you ask me, but all the girls in school seem to love him. There's a few others as well but they often just stand there and only speak when spoken too, I don't know what they think is going to happen if they talk, but whatever.
"Hey", Emma says, "so what do you guys want to do?", as she says this is suddenly remember something interesting. Nat Da Silva has a crush on Chris and I need something to distract me. It's evil. But fun.
"Hey, Chris." I say, looking over to him.
Yeah." He says
"You know Nat Da Silva right."
"Yeah, that girl who'd transferred from somewhere, I hear she's got a crush on me", he says and start bumping his buddies with his elbow smirking.
"Do you like her." I say.
"Yeah, she's cute, I was thinking of asking her out."
"Oh," I say.
"What, do you not think I should."
"No. It's just, I heard some things about her."
"What things?"
"Like she has a diary with your face in every page and that she stalks you after school, making sure you don't like any other girls." I say.
"Who told you this." Chris says.
"I have my sources." I say, " I just think there's a better way to handle this situation, to get her to leave you alone for good."
"And what's that?" He asks, with a look of suspicion on his face.
"A naked picture of Nat all over the internet, it'll teach her not to follow you around like a creep."
"Andie, don't you think that's too far, you don't actually know she's following Chris around-" Chloe start.
"Shut up Chloe, she's a freak and I prefer to ruin them." I snap. "Chris hand me your phone." He hesitates, but gives in. They're all watching.
I click onto Nats instagram and DM her.

Chris: hey Nat, it's Chris, how u been?
Nat: hey I've been good wby?
Chris: I've been good but I need to tell you something
Nat: sure yeah anything.
Chris:I like you and I've been to scared to come up to you in school.
Nat: oh really you shouldn't of been I'm totally into you too.
Chris: hey do you mind proving it.
Nat: prove it how?
Chris: send me a pic of you, no clothes
Nat: oh I don't know if that's a good idea
Chris: don't worry it'll just be between you and me
Nat: ok I guess

She sent it. The gullible bitch sent it.
"Oh my god she sent it," I say.
"I don't believe you, show me." Chris says, reaching for his phone. I move it out of reach of him.
"I will, I just have one last thing to do." I press share on the photo and send it to everyone in his contacts.
"Done." I say and hand him his phone.
"What did you do?" He asks.
"Well you don't get to be the only lucky one who gets to see Nat without her clothes on."
"Andie, you could get into so much trouble." Emma says.
"Oh, she won't tell anyone, and besides, it's her that sent the picture, I just did what I wanted with it."
They're all quiet after that and even I'm silenced by what I've done.
I wrote this on the train, so sorry if it's messy, also sorry if I made any mistakes time wise in the story, I wasn't sure what order to do them in so I tried to look through the book but I'm still not 100%. Anyway thanks for reading this far I'll try to update more often.

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