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91 Present

George brought his men to work for the whole day. In the end, when he went to Caroline's place, he didn't even get a glass of water before he came back in a huff.

As soon as he entered, he saw Joline sitting in the living room.

George remembered what he had done at the Lambert's house today. He was afraid that his grandmother would be angry, so he stood on his tiptoes and wanted to sneak back to his room.

But Joline was sitting there waiting for him, so the gatekeeper and the people in the courtyard had already told her about George's return. How could she miss the news of her grandson's return?


"I heard that you barged into the Lambert family's residence with your men and took away a lot of things?" Joline was wearing a pair of gold-rimmed presbyopic glasses and flipping through a newspaper cutting spread out on her knees.

Balor had suffered such an incident for no reason. He did not dare to go to Anderson to talk openly, so he could only whisper a few words to others in private. Then, the news seemed to have grown wings, and in less than an afternoon, it had flown all over the circle.

This was the outcome that Balor wanted. Thus, when he muttered to others, he deliberately hid the fact that they had taken over the place. He only said that in order to not embarrass herself at the engagement banquet, Caroline had instructed George to be a bandit and rob the Lambert family of everything.

After the matter spread, some people felt that George's actions had completely highlighted his overbearing character. Relying on the Anderson family's confidence, he was too unscrupulous in his actions, appearing to have no upbringing at all.

Of course, there were also people who knew about Balor's actions. They felt that Balor must have done something to anger Caroline again. That was why she had used such an extreme method to resist.

However, the two parties who had different opinions came to a consensus on one thing. Caroline could actually make the little tyrant, George, work for her. This meant that Caroline had conquered another member of the Anderson family.

It seemed like Caroline's marriage to the Anderson family was imminent. The rest was up to Old Madam Anderson's attitude.

After Joline found out, she was very disdainful. She was the first parent to worry about their marriage, and when she found out that they had a marriage agreement, she was so happy that she jumped three feet high.

However, this was just a small episode. George was worried about how he could get away with it. "I was just going to help out on the way. I'll ask that old man, Balor, to return Caroline's things to her."

"For this, you mobilized a large number of people in the company within a few hours and asked them to help you collect information in the shortest time possible. You also called the strongest and most powerful bodyguards in the family to hold the fort for you. So, you've been bewitched by the black witch as well?" asked Joline.

"I'm not," George denied it immediately, especially when he thought about how Caroline was still angry with him just now. "How could I be bewitched by such a vile person like Caroline?"

Joline was a little regretful. "I saw Caroline's post and thought you two were getting along well today. It seems like I've asked for too much."

George's ears twitched, and his eyes shifted unnaturally. "What did she post?"

After he finished speaking, he took out his phone and entered Caroline's account. Caroline's latest post was displayed on the ground and she had tagged George.

After Her Engagement Annulled, the Weak Rich Daughter Becomes a Big Shot!Where stories live. Discover now