Besties Beach Day!🌊🌊🌊

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After about a week of crying in your pillow, you and Larry being friends stopped being awkward. You of course still had strong feelings for him but you didn't want the relationship to be one sided so you didn't mention dating to him.

Saturday was surprisingly hot and you were sitting on your couch eating ice cream. You heard your phone go off and saw you had a text from Ash.

Ash🤩💜: Hey girly! I invited Todd, Larry, and Sal for a beach day. Wanna come too?
The thought of Larry and beach day made you think for a long time. What if he saw some cute girl and decided to be with her? You knew you couldn't control who he likes and that something like that might happen, but beach day did sound nice.
Y/N💋💨: Sure! That sounds fun!
Ash🤩💜: Okay! Meet us there at 2:30. Talk to you later girly!
You said your goodbyes to Ash and then you remembered something.

"...I don't have any cute bathing suits." It was currently 1:15 you still had time to go to the store. You quickly got in your car (yes you have a car. You got that daddy's money type shi) and went to find a new bathing suit.

There was tons and tons but you couldn't find one that was your style. You were about to leave the store until you saw a bathing suit (one piece or two piece whatever you want) that was your [two favorite colors] you gasp and take it to try it on.

"Hmmm...." you didn't know what to think. You liked it but did it like you? You decided to take a picture and send it to ash to ask for her opinion
Y/N💋💨: *Sends picture* does this look cute on me?
Usually Ash would reply in seconds. You go back to your contacts to see if she read it then you realize...

"I SENT IT TO LARRY ON ACCIDENT?!" You pace around the changing room. "I should just tell him I ment to send it to someone else!" You quickly take out your phone and type
Y/N💋💨: sorry Larry I ment to send that to Ash LOL!
But you weren't laughing out loud. You were TERRIFIED. You checked the time and saw it was already 1:45. You decided to buy the swimsuit anyways and you drove home to get your stuff ready.

"Still no reply from Larry...probably for the best.." you said as you looked at your phone while getting into your car. While you were driving you were thinking about the picture. Did he think you looked cute? Did he think you look gross? What if a girl was with him and saw it?! You tried to focus on the beach. Sal, Todd, and Ash would be there so it should be fun!

Thankfully, you weren't late. "Y/N! Over here!" Ash waved you over. She was in a purple two piece and of course she looked good in it.

You love Ash but sometimes you wished she wasn't always so pretty. Not in a bad way like wanting her to get a pimple or something. But she was so confident about her body. You were confident too like with telling Travis off or with your hairstyles and makeup. But when it comes to your body, its a whole different story. Sometimes you wish you were Ash. You never mentioned these feelings to anyone because God knows they will tell Ash and it will sound like you wanna fight her or something. But that's not true. Ash was your best friend and you didn't want that to change. So you keep those feelings deep down inside you.

"Hey girly!" You say as you squeeze Ash with a big hug. "Hey guys!" You say. "Hey Y/N! I like the look. It suits you" Sal said. "If I was a girl I would totally wear that" Todd says. You laughed and then you saw Larry. There was a bit of silence but then you waved to him and he waved back!

"I'm gonna help Todd and Sal set up our spot" Ash said. Then it was just you and Larry. "I see you picked out the swim suit. It looks good" Larry said with a smile. "Really? You didn't think it was weird at all?" "No, no, I like it. Sorry I didn't reply. I was in the shower when you sent me that text and by the time I saw it, it was 2:00 so I assumed you were already on your way" that makes so much sense.

You and Larry went over to the spot to go see the others. "Nice set up guys" you say as you lay out your towel. You heard Sal whisper something to Larry. Larry replied with "Shut up Sal." You assumed Sal said something dumb about girls on the beach or something. "Y/N let's go in the water!" Ash said taking your hand. "You girls have fun. I'm getting a tan" Todd said laying on his towel with his shades on.

You and Ash ran into the water and splashed around like little kids. "Come on you guys!" Ash said to Sal and Larry. Sal came into the water and so did Larry but a few seconds later, you couldn't find him anymore. "Did Larry fucking drown?" Right after you finish your sentence. Someone behind you pours a big bucket of water on your head. You turn around and see that its Larry. You push him into the water and he starts laughing. "What the hell Larry!?" "Its a beach! Your supposed to get wet!"

You roll your eyes and start to walk away. "Your an assho-hey!" You get pulled down into the water by Larry. You splash water in his face and he starts laughing again. "Wow this is my dream" "Having someone trying to drown you?" "No! Being at the beach with a pretty girl" you didn't think about what he said at first but the thought started to consume your brain. "Your so weird" you say playfully.

You and Larry continued to play in the water until you heard a scream. "What was that?" You said "I don't know. We should get out of the water" Larry said and took your hand and went back to your guys spot.

"Hey whats going on-OH MY GOD!" You saw Todd was redder then a tomato. Ash was trying to comfort him and Sal just stood there looking traumatized. "Todd. Sunburn." Is all Sal could say. "I told you to put sunscreen on" Ash said to Todd. "IM HIDEOUS!" Todd said dramatically. Larry burst into laughter. "Larry calm down its not even that funny" you said rolling your eyes.

"It seems like you two got something going on" Ash says with a smile and Larry immediately stops laughing. "What?" He says. Ash points to our hands. You and Larry forgot you guys were holding hands when you went to check what was going on. "Oh uhm-we are still friends" you let go of Larry's hand "mhm" Ash says.

After a couple hours of Todds mental breakdowns and trying to get Sal back to normal, you guys left the beach. You all went to have pizza and ice cream.

After you arrived home and got in some comfy clothes. You lay on your bed and thought about what Larry say "being at the beach with a pretty girl..." you repeated.

Editor: I wrote this the day on my birthday (March 7th) so happy birthday to me!

I Just think she's chill [Larry Johnson x Fem Reader] [Sally Face]Where stories live. Discover now