First Day of School

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Larry: This is the library, then we have P.E, and blah blah blah. You'll know your way around.
Sally: Glad the principal had you show me around. I wouldn't wanna be with some kid he picks his nose...and eats it
Larry: Ew dude gross! You didn't have to add that last part in!
Sally: *Shrugs* Sorry
Larry: But don't worry. I'm not a gross kid....I mean I pick my nose once in a while but I don't eat it-
Sally: ANYWAYS-Any cool kids that go here?
Larry: Meh. Some are chill but I wouldn't say cool. *Starts pointing to kids* That's Travis, he's...interesting. That's *Name* andd over there is *Name* then we have *Name* they are boring...and that's Maple..she's my ex girlfriend but we're fine with each other
Sally: You've dated before?
Larry: Only Maple. I've had small crushes before but they don't go anywhere.
Sally: Why did you two break up? If your okay with me asking
Larry: Me and her had completly differnt interset. I liked metal she liked weird gothic music. I wanted to go play in the rain, she wanted to stay inside and read....also I smoke weed soooooo
Sally: Dude.
Larry: *Chuckles* What?
Sally: That's like the dumbest reason to break up with someone. Like, over music? C'mon
Larry: Oh I'm sorry Mr. love expert. Have you dated anyone before?
Sally: Nope
Larry: What? But your a nice guy. Why wouldn't people be into you?
Sally: *Pints to prosthetic*
Larry: Rightttttttt
Sally: *Nods*
Larry: I'm sure someone will like you dude
Y/N: *Walks pass* Hey Larry
Larry: Oh! u-uhm *Changes voice to make it sound deeper* Hey
Y/N: Who is this you have with you? *Points to Sally*
Sally: I'm Sally. You can call me Sal
Y/N: *Shakes hand* Nice to meet you. I'm Y/N. *Smiles and lets go of his hand*
Larry: *Still has his weird voice change* So, what are you doing after school?
Y/N: I have to babysit my neighbor's daughter
Larry: *Weird voice still* Oh *clears throat* cool
Y/N: Cya later
Larry: *Still got the weird voice* Y-yup cya
*Y/N leaves*
Sally: Is that your way of flirting? No wonder Maple broke up with you
Larry: *Cough Cough* W-what? I wasn't flirting
Sally: So what's with the voice change?
Sally: Uh huh sureeeee.
Larry: I'm serious!
Sally: If you like her you can say it. I'm not gonna tell her
Larry: I don't like her. I just think she's chill
Sally: Okay then
Todd: What do you think of the school Sal?
Sally: It's nice. It's clean. People seem cool
Ashley: Larry did you see you know who yet?
Sally: Who?
Ashley: Y/N, Larry's little crush
Larry: Ash!
Sally: Little? he made his voice deeper when he was around her
Larry: Sal!
Ashley: Are you serious?
Sally: Yeah! I was trying so hard not to laugh!
Larry: You guys! She's gonna hear it
Todd: *Rolls eyes* She probably knows already
Larry: What makes you say that?
Ashley: I mean, you don't really hide it well. I think even the teachers know.
Sally: Do you have any stories?
Ashely: Duh! Of course I do! One time in english class Larry kept looking at Y/N so much that the teachers said "Larry, I'm the teacher not her" It was so funny!
Larry: I'm just glad she zoned out so she didn't hear it...
Todd: Okay, but the time he wore pink to school was FUNNY AS HELL
Sally: Oh I gotta hear this
Todd: Larry overheard someone who he thought was Y/N saying "Guys who like pink are hot" Then the next day he wore A PINK CARE BEARS SHIRT!
Sally: WHAT?!
Larry: Can we not talk about this..?
Sally: Fine, fine, we'll stop
Larry: Thank you.
Sally: For now
Larry: What...?

(What do we think so far?)

I Just think she's chill [Larry Johnson x Fem Reader] [Sally Face]Where stories live. Discover now