Celestial Beings

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One last chapter before I go and probably lose my mood to write. This chapter is what Divinity essentially is and anything I wrote before was me still trying to figure that out, cause I'm pretty sure I wrote some unintended stupid things earlier. I suppose at this point in time I can officially say ... check notes at end. After reading because it'll ruin it otherwise.


With Divinity taking longer to return than he promised, Zamasu was a mess, the dragon buried in him to the hilt and doing small but meaningful thrusts every now and than. Beyond sex there wasn't much the dragon could do now to make Zamasu happy, Divinity had effectively ruined them, but by no fault of it's own. It was depressed itself when it realised how sad the both of them were without it's powers, but could do nothing right now as it was still regaining it's form. "You won't be depressed for much longer, I'm nearly done." But unlike previously they couldn't hear him.

"Shenron what if it doesn't return? I don't know if I can continue to live without it, the world just feels so empty and worthless without it's bliss." The dragon feeling very bad about his wording and who wouldn't? He was effectively talking about suicide, only they couldn't die ever and so it would be more like emotional suicide. One would agree that for them that would mean never leaving their heads ever again, putting their bodies on automatic and living life in ones head for eternity. Because in your head life was actually joyous, whereas in real life it lacked joy completely beyond sex and kissing and maybe actually tea.

"I'm sure it will, it promised after all, we don't even know what it is, maybe it's returning to this world, maybe it was asleep or banished, we have to give it time." Zamasu started crying again for the 20th time that day, the dragon bringing him closer to be able to hug him, but hugs rarely worked now, his mind too far gone into the depression to feel much of anything with those. Regardless he hugged and soothed as best as he could, noting however before long that it wasn't helping at all, his own tears spilled and that got a reaction finally.

"I'm sorry, I just ... I can't feel much of anything right now, I know your trying, but it's just not working like it used to, Divinity ruined us Shenron and now we'll be like this forever, it will never come back ..." his anger was peaking towards the end, which was understandable, the dragon and him crying, whilst Divinity watched incredibly frustrated that it couldn't help them, soon, he hated that word, soon.

The dragon took the cup he had on the stand nearby, 'damn, well I can't stay buried in him forever, plus I doubt it's working anymore anyways, I can feel his sadness and now his rage.' The dragon removing himself, Zamasu looking towards him, "I have to go make more tea, I ran out." He showed him the cup, Zamasu's face was hard, the dragon would feel like prey right now if that was even an option. "I'll be back momentarily." He smiled, but Zamasu did not replicate it, he stared hard at him, the dragon unable to read him, his mind was closed off for some reason.

'I'm worried about him, it's not just depression I feel coming from him, but a darker emotion too, maybe it's our Darkness plaguing him or flooding him from the inside even. That stare he gave me, if I wasn't with him or even immortal I think he'd kill me honestly, what have you done Divinity?'

As he was making the tea he noted he couldn't feel Zamasu anymore, he ran into the tv room but the Kai wasn't there, he wasn't anywhere, "Zamasu!?" But nothing, he searched the entire Utopia and nothing either, in this state and with the extreme worry his powers had all but extinguished, unable to effectively control them anymore, the worry and depression so intense it overrode everything.

With his worry peaking his powers refused to work at all even, Divinity watching from afar, feeling utterly defeated himself that he couldn't help them, Zamasu had gone to Earth he wanted to tell him, but where he was, he just couldn't do that. Suddenly a glow ever bright, he was complete! He fled the realm immediately to help Shenron who couldn't appear to get his teleportation to work and was starting to really panic.

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