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parties are okay, its definitely nice to see everyone enjoying themselves and its nice to socialize with people for the first time in 8 months, but the games aren't exactly your favorite thing in the world.

still, the overwhelming peer pressure got to your head, and thats how you ended up sitting in a circle with the rest of the fighters, pulling a random name from a bag.

you carefuly choose one and pulled it out, squinting to read the name.


you sighed in relief, your shoulders dropping. you werent super acquainted with marth, but at the very least you knew how much of a gentleman he was. the first time he saw you, he called you 'truly mesmerizing' and kissed your hand, which was embarrassingly the first romantic-ish gesture youve ever received.

that was also the last time you ever really interacted with him, but you assumed you were on good terms.

"i uh... i got Marth." you stammered, looking up at everyone else. you hear a large 'ooooo' come from everyone, and notice that Marths face has become a pleasant shade of pink.

you stand up and grab his hand, pulling him up from the floor. "i uh... hey." you said awkwardly, looking at him. he returned the gesture with a shy smile.

you two walk over to the closet, past the rest of the group. "dont let him see your ankles y/n, he'll go feral." Roy snickered, receiving a small kick from Marth.

the closet was, to say the least, cramped. you were practically chest to chest with marth, and luckily it was too dark for him to notice how nervous you were.

"Since the point of this is to... connect in one way or another with the other person, i think.. um, now would be a good time to tell you how gorgeous you are." Marth stuttered, his voice mature and romantic.

"Oh, well, i think the same, i, uh, i-"

"Can i kiss you??" Marth blurted, his hands grabbing yours and holding them gently. The initial shock was visible, the tension in the air was so think you could cut it with a plastic butter knife.


You couldnt finish your answer before Marth grabbed both sides of your face and gently kissed you, holding you close to his chest. it was warm and romantic, so genuine that you two might as well have been getting married.

He breaks the kiss, taking a breath. he takes his hands off of your face and grabs your hands again, looking into your eyes, pulling you close to his chest.

"Sorry if that was sudden. i suppose its been said i'm a little impatient. ive... never kissed anyone before. if im being honest i.... um... was saving it for you." he shyly explains.

You look at him for a few more seconds, before once again breaking the distance between you two. it was the kind of kiss that you see in romance movies, where both parties and infatuated with the other, holding eachother close.

He gently places his hands on your waist, careful not to make you uncomfortable. Once you separate, you stare at him again for a few seconds, observing every detail of his face. his porcelain skin, his deep blue eyes, his perfect nose.

"do you, um, perhaps want to go out... together? as a couple? romantically?" he says, clearly nerve wrecked.

You giggle at his childlike execution, and nod your head yes. "i would be more then delighted to." you say softly, squeezing his hands.

For the rest of the night, you two look at eachother, smiling in anticipation.


i am soooo soso sorry if this is genuine dogshit, its like midnight and my ex wont stop texting me talking abt how he thinks im a terrible person or something idk i dont listen to him.

RAHH i love marth sm i wanna wrap him up in a blanket and give him a kiss on the forehead FJFHFDJJ


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 08 ⏰

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