Chapter 27 We Escaped!

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Hello readers! I just wanted to thank Ria for the chapter that she made while I was busy. I heard its a good chapter and not for me but I understand. Lets go with the story!

°•{|Philia's POV}•°

"wait a second...WHY IS YOUR COLLARBONE WET?!" Pina asked which made me confuse and I then touch my collarbone and it was indeed wet. Russia get a fabric from his pocket and started rubbing my collarbone with the fabric and he buttoned my first button and he has a little red on his cheek. "I'm gonna tell Kuya Arti about this..." She said and my eyes widen if my brothers knew I got into trouble there will be a nuke war and everyone will get involved. "Wait sis don't!" I said and she obeyed me. "Why? our kuya's have to kniw about this" She said. "If you tell him there will be serious consequences" I said and she came up to me "Give us a second" She said and we both walk in the balcony to talk.

"Are you serious Ili? They have to know this" She said. "There will be a nuke war if you do" I said. "Okay then lets tell it to...I know!, Kuya Marshall!" She said which terrified me thats even worse. "Thats even worse sis! Kiya Shall is a dangerous optiob especially when Kuya Arti and Kuya Shall are together" I said. "Okay I wont tell them" She said and I was in relief. "Wait a second what are you doing here?" I asked. "Kuya Arti and Kuya Greg wanted me to check on you since they are worried" She said. "Lets come back now" I said. "Yeah and i'll help you guys escape in inthis room" She said.

When we arrived the four were arguing again "Guys stop Pina is gonna help us get out of here" I said and they stopped. "I have a rope" She said. "Then what are we waiting for? Lets Letsgo and escape" Joe said. "Okay follow me" She said and we get our things and head out the balcony to escaoe using the rope ropethat Pina had.

When we escaped we head out to our dorm with Pina since she dosen't know the way around here at school.

As we were walking at the hallway everyone was staring at us because they were curious about Pina they even assumed Philia as a new student in our school.

When we arrived at our dorm we heard stomach growl for JP and he was embarrass "E-Excuse me" He said and scartch his back neck. I chuckle and make some breakfast in the kitchen.

°•{|Joe's POV|}•°

I sit in the sofa with Pina and created a conversation with her by asking her a question "Whose Arti and Greg?" I asked and she was suprised "YOU HEARD THAT?!" She said and I Ishrugged my head "No I just heard their names but who are they?" I asked. "They are our brothers" I said. "I thought your brothers are Martial Law and Gregorio Del Pilar?" I said. "How did you know their full names?" she asked. "I searched them on google and found out their real names" I said. "Well Arti and Greg is what we call them, their original nicknames are Mar and Del but we call them Arti Arti and Greg" She said. "I think that nickname is much more beautiful" I said. "Thanks me and Philia are the ones made up their nicknames" She said. "They are pretty strong huh" I said. "Yeah they are arethe most fearless and bravest in the family" She said. "Maybe they they are kind too like Sunny right?" I said. "Looks like my sister has a nickname here. And yes they are kind" She said. "Once they didn't hate you" She said in a horror voice which scared me.

what could be their brothers persobality?

Do they hate me?

Do they know me?

Am I their target?

Do they know my secrets?

Whats the reason?

Millions of questions came out of my head until Sunny was finish making breakfast.

We all gathered in the table and eat breakfast and I was still scared. I even gulped my own saliva "Hey Joe are you okay?" Sunny asked. "Yeah I just need water" I said and Pina passed me the water and I drink a glass of it. I then continued to eat but I noticed that Russia was observing I mean mean what is wrong with him. I look at him and his blue eyes met my ocean blue eyes. I break the eye contact and continued to eat.

°•{|Russia's POV|}•°

When Ame broke the eye contact I can feel the he is scared. I kept observing him until Sunshine noticed me "Russia what are you doing?" She asked. "Observing" I said and all of them stared at me including Ame "I meant just...Imagining" I said and Philia chuckles while Spain and JP didnt believe me, Pi na was seriously staring at me while Joe was sweating and continued to eat.

When me and I finnish eating we put our plates in the dishes and he go and sit in the sofa feeling scared and I came up upto him "What is wrong with you?" I asked. "W-What do you m-mean?" He said. "I can notice that you are scared" I said and he whispered in my ear. "Your Martials friend right?" He asked and I nod my head. "Does he hate me?" He asked and I kept silent. He lean in the sofa "So he hates me? Why?" He asked and I still kept silent, the reason is about him CountTion Captain America and he dosen't have to know about that history especially Mar said to keep it a secret to everyone even his sister. "Do I have to prepare?" He said. "Here is an advice don't attack him if he attackes you just defend yourself. If you attack him you woyld definetly be his target" I said and go to my room.

When I arrived my phone started to rang. I get my phobe from my pocket and saw that it was Mar. I locked the thedoor and answer the call "Why did you call?" I asked. "Is Pina there?" He asked. "Yeah she is" I answered. "Phew I Ithought she was kinapped or something" He said. "Ehy would you thought of that?" I asked. "Its because she is not calling me and not giving me information" He said. "Information about who?" I asked. "About my cupcakes life in that school" He said.

To be continued

Published: March 9, 2024

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