Thanks For The Memories

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Seagulls chirped in the sunset sky. Paper walked alongside OJ, hands entertained with his arm as they looked over the beautiful orange sky from the hot sand. Floral pink waves crashed against their feet every moment. It was so beautiful. Perhaps a scene that Paper would never forget. "Looks beautiful, doesn't it?" OJ said as he looked down at Paper next to him.

"Yeah...Sunsets are probably my favorite time of the afternoon. Cause then the sky looks so pretty..." Paper smiled and leaned his head on his boyfriend's shoulder.

"Yeah...I know."


The sand was cold.

The afternoon sky was covered up by thick rain clouds. Paper dragged his feet along the sand, looking up at the sky that threatened to pour down onto him. Yet it never did. The waves crashed along his legs and feet, retreating back to the sea where they came. In Paper's hand was the bright red gauze that OJ once wore, still with that dried splotch of orange juice on its rim. Paper just let out a groggily sigh as he made his way down the sandy shoreline.


"So...what's the occasion? You haven't told me yet..." Paper said as OJ stopped when they had the clearest view of the sun. OJ just stopped and let go of Paper's hand. "Well, it's crazy...we've been together for almost...9 years now. It's...crazy how time flies, huh?" Paper chuckled,

"9 years and you never changed, OJ!"

" I thought I'd do something...special for our anniversary...nothing too big, just...a nice view of the sunset?"

"Awww, OJ...! You really didn't have to..."

"And...since this place is special, I...figured it'd be perfect..."

"Perfect for what?"


This would've been the spot where the sun was its clearest. Paper sat down, setting the gauze next to him, where OJ usually sat. His eyes watched the waves as they came in and out from the shoreline, washing away little pearls of sand and rocks with them back into the tide. His eyes trailed back up at the darkened clouds, remembering the bright orange sky that he loved so much...

The bright orange sky...


OJ held Paper's hands in his, a soft smile on his face. "Paper...these nine years with you by my side have been've always been such a wonderful friend to me, and an even better boyfriend...there's no one else in the world I'd want to spend the rest of my life with..."


OJ suddenly got onto one knee, pulling something out from behind his back.

"Paper Looseleaf..."


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A tear ran down Paper's already tear stained face. He clutched onto the sand, crushing little crumples of sand together with his fists. He gave everything to not just break down into tears then and there...those memories were just...

Just way too much for him.

He could still remember the day before OJ was supposed to set off for the resort. How he said that as soon as he returned, they'd get started on preparing everything for the wedding.  And..:The kiss they had goodbye...

That was the last time he'd ever kiss his fiancé's lips.

"...I'm so sorry, OJ..." Paper said as the tears began to stream down his face full force, "I'm so sorry we couldn't have that wedding you wanted...I' sorry I let you go out there...I'm sorry...I'm sorry I had to lose you..."

Paper said, curling his face up into his knees.

"I love you, OJ..."

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