What's the Kindest Way to Say...

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Lightbulb listened as she cracked open the can of Dr. Fizz, watching the bubbles rise up and almost overflow through the top. Her feet kicked against the chair across from her's, making it creek slightly backwards everytime she did. Watching each bubble pop on the surface of the can, she couldn't bring herself to take a sip. Her eyes trailed off towards Baxter right next to the can, looking up at her with unblinking eyes. "...You know, the world is never as tragic in the eyes of a crab, huh?" She said with a small solemn grin, "I wish I was like that." Her eyes trailed back towards the can as she tapped her finger against the side of it, listening to the metal clink.

"Lightbulb?" She heard a voice behind her. Test Tube's voice, clearly tired and confused, "It's 3 in the morning...you...can't possibly still be up."

"Sorry, I...drink when I'm depressed. Which I am. Oh, I am."

Test Tube seemed to piece together everything the moment Lightbulb said that. "H-...How did you find out?" She asked while staring with a shocked face.

"Flatface gave the rundown to Paper. Guess Painty really isn't coming home, are they?"

Test Tube let out a sigh, "No...They're...they're not. But they'll be home soon...when Mephone finally recovers them."

Lightbulb sat in silence for a moment or two.

"...What else did you lie to me about?"

"Lightbulb...I didn't-"

"Want to hurt my feelings by giving me the hard truth. I get it. But I can barely focus right now because of everything you said, everyone said, when you came home. After I heard Fan, I...began to think about it more. What other lies have you told me to preserve my feelings?"

"Lightbulb, you're..."

Lightbulb turned around towards Test Tube, revealing the small crack that had been made on her cheek. "...Y-You're breaking..." the beaker said in shock upon seeing the injury. "Like I haven't already." Lightbulb said and picked up her drink.

"All I want to know is what else you lied to me about. All I want to know is..."

Lightbulb suddenly stood up.

"...What happened."

"Lightbulb, I...already discussed this with Silver, and..I don't want you getting any ideas." Test Tube said as she tried to reassure Lightbulb to sit back down. "When are you going to finally just tell me the truth?! I want to know what happened to Painty! That's all I want to know! Just tell me what happened to my best friend!" The bulb yelled, her silly personality being replaced with one of unadulterated rage. Test Tube just swallowed down a dollop of guilt in her throat.

"...It was Silver." She finally let the words come out of her throat, "Silver Spoon...mistook them for someone who we delt with on the island. And he...he killed them."

Lightbulb backed up upon hearing those words.

And suddenly, another crack formed on her forehead.

"Lightbulb, it was an honest mistake! He didn't mean to do anything! I-It was a genuine accident, he didn't...he didn't want to-"

"It's fine."

"...It is?"

"Yeah. Yeah, it's fine. It's aaaaall good." Lightbulb suddenly printed her bubbly smile again, "That's all I really needed! Just...the truth! Don't worry about a thing, Testy."

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