The Dress

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A/N: A few things, the cover doesn't have anything to do with this story, but I really like the drawing and I wanted to show it off :). Also this is mostly just a domestic chapter with a bit of spice towards the end.

You woke up the next morning with Alastor's arms around you. It was the first time you've woken up before him and when you looked over you could see his ever-present smile radiating a low radio frequency. The staticky hum was soothing and his face was soft as he slept. You were planning on going dress shopping with the girls today while the others went shopping for suits. Charlie and Vaggie, and Angel and husk were going together. Pentious said he was going to ask someone but he hasn't 'gotten around to it yet' as he put it. Niffty wanted to go with Lucifer but he shut that down rather quickly, so Nif is going Stag. Of course, you and Alastor would be accompanying eachother for the dance.

You got out of your bed as softly as possible to not disturb the sleeping demon beside you. You started getting ready but before you got in the shower, you looked at yourself in the mirror. You didn't realize it at first, but every time you were in the bathroom, you'd avoid your reflection. The individual that was looking back at you wasn't true. Al was still hiding the dark reminders of your past from everyone, even yourself. You tried your best to ignore this lie, but the thought persisted as you continued your regimen. By the time you were ready to leave for the shops, Al was still sleeping. You walked over to the bed and placed your hand on his shoulder.

"Hey Al, I'm leaving to go buy a dress with the girls. I'll be back soon." You placed a gentle kiss on his cheek but his slumber persisted. You walked to the parlor and let Angel know where you guys were going in case Alastor didn't remember.
You, Charlie, Vaggie, and Niffty went to quite a few different shops to try and find something for everyone. Charlie and Niffty were able to pick one out at the first store, but Vaggie and you couldn't seem to find anything that felt right.

"Come on Vaggie! It's not like we're going to a wedding. Just pick something that you'll feel comfortable in like me!" Charlie said as we left another store.

"Hey don't single me out. Y/n hasn't picked one either." Vaggie grumbled as we set off for another place. Charlie and Niffty walked ahead a little bit out of ear shot of the two of you.
"I feel like nothing I pick will be good enough for her." She said quietly.

"I feel the same way. Like I know that no matter what I choose, he'll think I'm beautiful. Hell, I could show up in a pair of jeans and a baggie t-shirt and he'd be happy. I just want this to feel right for me and him." You explained as your face fell a slightly redder hue than usual.

"Maybe we're overthinking it. It doesn't have to be something they are going to like. It just has to be something that we'll like on ourselves." Vaggie said while placing a consoling hand on your shoulder.

"It's a lot easier to say that than to do it though." You explained as Charlie held the door for the two of you.

After a while of searching, Vaggie found something that she felt 'good enough in' as she put it. However, as you searched through the options, you couldn't help but think of Alastor. He was always dressed so well and it felt like nothing you could pick would compare. You wanted to get something that would compliment him, but also something elegant and unique.
"I don't know guys. I just don't think there's anything here that speaks to me." You explained as Charlie and Niffty groaned in response.
"It's okay though! I have a dress already at the hotel. It'll work just fine!" You tried to sound excited about the option, but it wasn't what you were hoping for.

The group headed back to the hotel and you were pretty dissatisfied about the trip. As you were trying to think of a solution you passed by an antique store. In the window was a 1930s style evening gown. It had a red underline with a matching tool, covered with gems and black satin gloves. You stopped the group and basically ran inside the store to buy it.

"It's perfect

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"It's perfect. I'll feel beautiful in it and it will compliment Alastor's style!" You explained excitedly.
As you entered the hotel, you saw the rest of the group lounging in the foyer.

"Ah! Welcome back darlings. We're you all able to find something adequate?" Alastor asked.

"They better have, it took them 4 fucking hours." Angel added while rolling his eyes.

"We did! I'm so excited I could I scream!" Charlie yelled while running up the stairs.
Alastor offered his arm out for you and brought you up the stairs. He had taken off most of the bandages that were supporting his healing bones, but when you'd touch certain areas, he'd wince in pain quietly. He made his staticky hiss as your roped your arm around his, but he held your arm so tight, you couldn't pull away to relieve the pain. As he brought you to your room, he helped you set your bags down.

"Are you going to show me what you got deerie?" He asked politely.

"Why ruin the surprise? Plus I think I have something much more interesting to show you." You weren't sure how he'd react to this advance, but seeing him so domestic with you around others summoned a familiar urge inside of you.

"What might that be?" He asked inquisitively as he slowly sauntered towards you. Before he reached your position, you put your hand up to stop him. He waiting impatiently as you started to slowly unzip the dress you wearing with your uninjured arm. After a minute of trying, you turned around.

"Would you help me?" You asked coyly. He raised his hands from behind his back to the nape of your neck. His hands lingered on the zipper as he slowly began dragging it down your spine. His breath was heating your shoulder as his hands moved underneath the garment to help slip it off your arms. You turned to look at him again, holding the front of your dress on your chest.

"I'd like to cash in a promise, if you'll have me." You fluttered your eyelashes at him before removing your hand and letting the dress fall to your feet.

More than anything (Alastor X Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora