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A/N: This is not my art this time. This is a screenshot from the official pilot episode. This is a much better skyline than anything I could possibly make.

As you sat on the balcony looking out at the city below, you couldn't help but feel a sense of calmness rush over you. The neon lights that painted your face covered the floor only to be interrupted by the shadow of the railing in front of you. Your breath turned into swirls of mist in the chill of the night. As you took another swig out of the bottle, your throat burned in a relieving way. You tried to piece together the past events. Your death, your tormentor, your haven, and finally this moment now. As soon as these thoughts penetrated your mind, you couldn't stop the tears that began to fall. You've been crying so much that it was almost a habit at this point.
You swallowed the bitter liquid in mouthfuls to try and subside your sorrows. You looked down at the fire pit beside you to see a pack of cigarettes. You weren't sure if they were there the whole time or not. Nevertheless. You used the flame to light one and inhaled the toxic smoke - finally targeting the craving you've had since you arrived in Hell.

"I see you've wasted no time in settling into your new room."

The unmistakable voice echoed from beside you.

"How long have you been out here Al?" You spoke with a large sigh.

"Long enough to see the tequila working it's magic on you." He said with a smile that suddenly seemed insincere.

"Well then you should see that I am not really looking for company at the moment." You said as you stood up and walked to the railing in front of you.

You could hear the demon's clothes shuffle as he stood up to stand besides you. He suddenly had a cigarette in his hands as well. You tried to keep your calm composure but you couldn't help but look at the demon beside you who left his straight posture elsewhere. He now lowered his shoulders as he rested his arms on the railing next to you. Every few seconds bringing the cigarette to his lips.
You suddenly realized that he wasn't up there to keep you company. As he finished his cigarette, he went to turn back to the door. You grabbed his arm before he walked out. His eyes darted back up to yours with his toothy grin turning into a straight smile. You offered him the bottle with a sincere expression.
"I guess a little company wouldn't be terrible." You said. You really did want to be alone. But something told you that he was the one searching for someone.

He held up his hand in protest. Without saying a word he waved his hand which manifested a bottle of scotch in his other.

"Much more of a brown liquor kind of person."
He explained before returning to his seat next to you. The two of you sat in a comfortable silence for a while. Drinking out of your bottles and passing cigarettes between the two of you. After about an hour of this, you broke the silence:

"Why are you here?" You asked with a brazen tone. His eyes shot up towards you, startled by the sudden noise. His smile turned into a large toothy grin, the same one that seemed like a lie earlier in the night.

"I wanted to see if you—"

"No. Why are you here. At the hotel?" You interrupted. His expression changed. His brows furrowed as he looked for an answer to your question.

"I chose to not ask you that question, I hope you treat me with the same respect." He said with a sudden irritation in his voice. The radio static almost drowned out his words.

You pondered his response for a moment before continuing.

"I'll show you mine if you show me yours." You said rashly. The tequila was speaking for you at this point. The filter you had placed before entering the hotel has disappeared. Your mind burned with curiosity.

"If you're referring to an explanation, I will oblige." He spoke. He wasn't near your level of intoxication, but just enough to indulge in this bizarre request.

"I'm here for more than just the entertainment deer. However, the constraints of my deal forbid me from explaining any more than that." He explained with a solemn expression that contrasted his soft smile.

"Angel said you never did anything without a motive" you continued, "Am I to believe that this 'deal' was in your favor?" You asked with little care about how he would react.

"Indeed deerie. Much more than anyone could fathom." He explained.
"It's your turn. Why are you here?"

With the tequila spinning in your mind, the filter removed from this conversation, you were ready to divulge the facts of your arrival.

"You may not believe me when I tell you."

More than anything (Alastor X Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora