"Hello Carry, it's Griselda. Nice meeting you here in this crowd of students."

Trying to recall the name of Griselda, a sudden flashback brought me back to yesterday. "secretary Griselda?"

"Ah, you have not forgotten. I know it was just a quick hello yesterday when you were summoned to John Matters office. It was just unfortunately that we couldn't speak as a proper greeting."

Stepping into the school smelling the familiar scent of books, markers, and chalk, which gets me questioning, __why the hell are we still using chalk when we have digital touch computing systems? Heh, probably they want to stick with the old fashion 20th century technology even though we are in the 22nd century.__ As I was about to step forward, Griselda grabbed my shoulder and turned me to the right to an intersecting hallway. "Huh?" Before I was able to ask, she just told me to hush until we stepped away from the other students.

Heading towards the end of the hallway were the students like myself with a visual impairment would head to for O&M or job meet-ups for volunteering experiences. Before we turned to the door or up the stairs, hearing buttons being pressed and a handle being pulled, she issued me down the stairs and as the door closed, she told me, "down the stairs, I will like you to turn right then the first door on the left is the one I will like you to enter." Nodding my head, I started wondering what she had in mind since I have never been down in this section of the school since it is normally restricted for only employees. Taking my right then traveling the left side of the wall until I approached the first door. As I was about to open it, she giggled and said, "you think doors are just going to be open?"

"Never know, maybe... you left it open knowing that you were going to kidnap me away from my first period technology class."

With a soft but beautiful chuckle  although, why am I thinking like that especially of an employee who is most likely working for Mr. Matters which leads, why is she having me speak to her down here?

Closing the door until I heard a (click.) Finding a comfortable chair with cloth patting, taking a chair across from me, she asked, "You like?"

With a brief smile, I said, "it's comfortable."

Hearing a smile on her lips, she said, "no worry about missing technology. I have already spoke to Mrs. Dozak that you will be missing." As I corked an eyebrow, she continued. "I am here to discuss your case with Ms. Sung."

Shocked that it is the same woman who brought me to Mr. Matters office even though it was brief, but her? Working for Sammy Sung? __Could she be trusted since she is an assistant to him?__ "You work for Ms. Sung? It's hard to believe  that someone who is his assistant would work for the head leader of Futuramous." I stated matter of fatly.

"Ha, ha, ha! I was told you were an observant one. To be honest, I think you're a little paranoid which is a good thing. It keeps your awareness up, but yes. You can trust me. Before you tell me that anyone can say that, which is true, but have you ever thought that maybe I'm working with him to be against him?"

Thinking about it, it can be a possibility. However, when I finally said, "True, it seems that Sammy is working against him and even though you are his assistant, it doesn't seem you're the obeying type. Listening to your voice, you would rather be free and do your own thing. Am I correct? Which gets me thinking, are all of you trying to kill one another in Futuramous or is there more?"

"Corking an eyebrow, she said with surprise, "whatever do you mean?"

"Don't give me that. We both know what I mean. How many of you are after Mr. Matters and how many of you are trying to use one another? I won't give you any information unless I know that I can trust you, which leads me to my next question. Why did Sammy send you and where is Sammy?"

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