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"Now that I knew fear, I also knew it was not permanent

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"Now that I knew fear, I also knew it was not permanent. As powerful as it was, its grip on me would loosen. It would pass." — Louise Erdrich

AMELIA AND JJ along with the other officer had been at the safe house for around four hours.

JJ had been informing her on anything the team had found but it wasn't much. They did however find the man who delivered the box, but he had no connection to the box or even any idea where the box had come from as he was paid off to deliver it, explaining why he wasn't in typical mailman uniform.

Amelia was worried about her husband. He had apologized to her over the phone as she prayed and made him promise that he would stay safe.

JJ had put on the movie Grease as background to try and calm her nerves but Amelia's attention wasn't on the movie as all she wondered about was Aaron.

JJ sighed as she noticed her bosses wife. She was stuck in some sort of trance. Her phone began to ring, she answered after the second ring.

"Jareau." She spoke onto the phone. "Yeah Hotch, I'm still here, well obviously I'm not going to leave her. Especially with the unsub out and about." JJ looked at her. "Yeah she's here."

"Aaron?" Amelia asked looking to JJ who nodded holding the phone out towards her. "He wants to talk to you."

Amelia took the phone quickly.


"Aaron are you okay?" Amelia blurted out.

"Yes honey, I'm fine." Aaron answered his paranoid wife.

"When are you coming?"

"When I know you're safe. Honey the unsub knows where we live, he knows are names, which means he's been watching us for a while. I can't risk anything happening to you. So you need to stay safe. I know this is a lot for you to handle but I can't have anything happening to you."


"Amelia promise me you're going to listen to JJ."

Amelia rolled her eyes. "Don't roll your eyes, promise me."

"Okay Aaron I promise, but just promise me you'll keep me updated and that you guys will stay safe."

"I promise we are working our best to get this done quickly. I'll keep you updated. I love you."

"I love you too Hotch." JJ smiled as Amelia handed her back the phone.

UNITED IN LONELINESS ♡ AARON HOTCHNER Where stories live. Discover now