The team looked at him expectantly. "Paperwork day. Knock before you enter my office to drop anything off. JJ let me know if and when we have a case."

The team nodded before JJ did the same saying a 'yes sir,' before he headed into his office.

He sighed as he placed his briefcase in his couch as he headed to his desk.

Aaron took his time getting his paperwork together noticing the time. It was around one pm. He sighed pulling his phone out to call Amelia.

The rang before the call was answered. "Hello?"

"Hey honey, just calling to check in."

"Babe, you don't need to check in on me I'm fine."

"But then I won't have any excuses to call you."

"Well you're right about that. But I've just been cleaning the house that's it." Aaron heard her pause before she spoke again. "Also do you remember that box that showed up a few weeks ago?"

"Yeah, I've been meaning to take it to the office with me. What is it?"

"I'm not sure, it's your mail and I didn't want to intrude."

"Honey, it's not intruding you're my wife."

"Aaron,  haven't you heard Mr. FBI? It's a federal crime to open someone else's mail. But I'll check it out."

Amelia hummed as she looked at what the box contained.

"What is it?" He asked her.

"Not sure, it's some sort of device. Should I turn it on?"

"No, just put it back in the box. Honey, do you think you can send me a picture of what the device looks like?"

"Yeah, I'll call you back." Amelia hung up the phone. Hotch paused as he awaited her text.

He sat up in his seat quickly before getting up all together as he left his office frantically.

The team noticed his actions. "Everything okay Hotch?" Morgan asked.

"I need a bomb squad to my house immediately." Derek looked at him shocked and confused.

"Your house?" Derek looked to the rest of the team.

"Yes quickly." Aaron headed to the elevator quickly calling Amelia as the elevator doors closed.

She answered the phone. "Hel-"

"Amelia, honey you need to leave the house right now!"

"Aaron what're you-"

"Now Amelia!" Aaron rushed to his car. "I have to go but you need to leave the house."

Aaron began calling Gideon. "Gideon, I need you and the team to my house, I just left the office there's a bomb." Aaron sputtered out, his mind racing as he thought about his wife being in danger.

UNITED IN LONELINESS ♡ AARON HOTCHNER Where stories live. Discover now