Chapter 4 - Work and Tattoos

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Hermiones POV

I took a deep breath looking in the mirror. Today I was going to be spending the whole day with Fred at his shop. Technically his and George's, but George was far from my mind right now. Last night was much fun. I didn't realize how nice it is to just sit and talk about dreams and aspirations. Of course, last night did nothing to remove the dream I had from my memories. In fact, I found myself thinking of it more. Fred really was the perfect guy. When he had asked me if I was interested in anyone, I didn't know what to say. He didn't know I was talking about him luckily.

When I had called Ginny this morning about what to wear, I regretted it instantly. She went on and on about wearing something sexy. I was doing book keeping. Why would I dress in something revealing for that? I opted for comfort and put on my full bodysuit with a tshirt over the top of it. It was comfy and looked good enough. Checking the time, I cursed and slipped on my sneakers. I was late. How did I manage that? I apparated into the shop once Fred had opened the wards for me.

"Hermione Granger late on her first day," Fred tsked from the ladder he stood on. He was placing product on the shelves and hadn't even turned his head. George stepped it from the back letting out a whistle.

"Looking good Mione! Fred don't you think she looks good?" he winked instantly giving me a sickly feeling. I grabbed his hand and pulled him behind the curtain and into the small office I had seen a couple times. After I closed the door I started smacking his chest.

"Ginny told you!" I smacked him with each word.

"Ow! Ow! Woman calm down!" I smacked him again just for telling me to calm down.

"Spill!" I demanded crossing my arms. George smirked but immediately stopped when I smacked him again.

"Yes Ginny told me. She mentioned you had...a dream about my twin recently." He wiggled his eyebrows leading me to smack him again. "Shit! Okay! She explained the general idea of the dream and wanted me to try and give Fred a little shove."

"I don't need you shoving anything!" I groaned throwing my hands in the air.

"What are we shoving?" Fred asked opening the door. He looked between the two of us curiously. George grinned before shoving his brother into my direction and running out the door. Fred fell forward catching me on his way down. I wasn't strong enough to hold him up, so we ended up in a pile of limbs on the floor. Fred pushed up on his hands hovering above me. "You okay?" He asked. I nodded scared of what my voice my sound like. His body was covering mine completely. I could feel his muscles tense as he moved. His necklace dangled down above me, the only piece of anything between our faces. I looked to see the pendant, a thin rod of citrine. My mouth opened staring at the small crystal.

"You're wearing the necklace I bought you," I said quietly reaching up to touch the pendant. Fred smiled looking at the necklace.

"Of course...I've worn it since you gave it to me." A couple weeks after the war, once Fred had fully recovered from his injury, I went to visit him at the burrow. I had always been interested in crystals and I wanted to do something for him.

"Don't laugh, but I bought you something," I said pulling the small box out of my purse.

"Why would I laugh?" He asked staring at me from where he sat on the couch. I walked over and sat beside him. He took the box carefully from my extended hand and opened it. I watched as he pulled the necklace from the velvet lined box. He eyed the crystal hanging on it with interest.

"It's citrine. It's supposed to give good positive energy and promotes calming. It's also said to bring abundance and well as fight off fears and phobias. I know a lot of people laugh off crystals, but after what you went through I-" I was cut off from Fred hugging me tightly. He wrapped his arms around me and nuzzled his face into my neck.

It Started with a Dream - FremioneDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora