[001] new york, i love you

Start from the beginning

Jackson probably wasn't clinging to his car. He'd probably walked straight into that hospital, raring to prove himself. If it were New York, Clementina would have done the same. But it wasn't. And she was beginning to think she'd left something behind—something that made her question things and waver where she hadn't before.

Cursing herself, she yanked the car door open and stepped out. Her lip curled up slightly at the slow drizzle of rain. Scoffing, she slammed the door shut and raised her jacket over her head before running under the cover. She was glad no one had seen her do it - not that she was ashamed; she'd do it again.

Taking a deep breath, she stepped into the atrium and looked around, taking it all in. Seattle Grace was a beautiful hospital. It didn't do poorly on the rankings, either. It wasn't a step down for her career, that was for sure. Seattle just wasn't New York.

But that was the whole point - wasn't it?

She was in a new place, getting a fresh start.


She looked to her left and smiled. Richard Webber walked towards her, arms outstretched welcomingly as he greeted her as promised.

"Dr Webber! It's nice to see you!"

He wrapped her in a warm hug before releasing her and stepping away, "I was surprised when your aunt called me the other week."

"I know," she nodded, smiling sheepishly, "I really appreciate you accepting my transfer at the last minute. I know Auntie Catherine is pretty difficult to say no to."

Richard chuckled warmly, "That she is, that she is. Thankfully, I didn't want nor need to say no. It'll be a pleasure to teach you, Clementina."

"Thank you, Dr Webber."

"Now, before you go, I need you to sign these contracts and waivers—just the things we couldn't sort over the phone." He handed over a stack of papers and a pen.

She nodded, gratefully accepting them and quickly scanning through them. Once she'd signed, she handed them back with a small smile.

"Wonderful. Orientation will be starting soon—or whenever I get there, I suppose. Head over to the lecture theatre. There are temporary signs for the day, so you should find your way no problem."

They parted as quickly as they had met.

She just stood alone in the middle of the atrium for a second. Signing those contracts had made it all very real. She was going to be a surgeon at Seattle Grace.


"EACH OF YOU come here hopeful. Wanting in on the game," Richard's voice filled the OR as he addressed the cohort of interns with a solemn look on his face.

There was a slight noise from the entryway; Clementina glanced over. A dirty-blonde-haired woman slipped into the room, desperately trying to remain invisible. She slotted into the group beside Clementina, who shot her a small smile before whispering, "You haven't missed much, so don't worry."

The blonde nodded, sending her a grateful smile before focusing her attention on Richard as he finished his speech.

"A month ago you were in med school being taught by doctors. Today, you are the doctors. The seven years you spend here as a surgical resident will be the best and worst of your life. You will be pushed to the breaking point."

Sighing deeply, Clementina shifted and glanced around at the rest of her fellow interns. "Look around you. Say hello to your competition. Eight of you will switch to an easier speciality. Five of you will crack under the pressure. Two of you will be asked to leave. This is your starting line. This is your arena," Richard paused dramatically. "How well you play? That's up to you."

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