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An episode of Who's The Boss is playing on the tv. Shaun is sitting on the couch, a beer in his hand, he raises it to his lips taking a swig.

He's playing air hockey with a blonde woman. He shoots and scores, he claps his hands in victory, a cigarette between his lips. The blonde woman takes a shot of liquor.

Back in his room, Shaun is carving wooden figurines with a knife carefully. He places one on the shelf beside others resembling Hershel, Beth, Maggie, and Lyla.

He walks through a large room pushing past people lined up and grabs a loaf of bread placing it inside his pack.

A shot of him cutting the bread with his knife.

He looks across the room seeing a man yank off his shirt and throws it on the floor. The Saviors throws the man down and begins beating and kicking him.

A shot of Shaun spreading mustard on the bread.

He watches the men kick the man harshly.

In the man's quarters, he opens up a trunk and takes out stuff before pulling out a jar of mustard and a jar of pickles. He looks over his shoulder where two women are staring at him.

Shaun: The fuck you looking at?

A shot of him placing the pickles on the bread.

In the garden, he yanks off a tomato stuffing them in his pack. He grabs a head of lettuce, he pushes the man ahead of him by the arm.

Negan walks past, Lucille over his shoulder as Shaun and everyone around bends to their knees as he walks past. Shaun lifts his head up glaring towards Negan in hatred and anger.

A shot of him placing the tomatoes on the bread then the lettuce and last he places a scrambled egg

He's sitting on the stairs eyeing the tasty sandwich before he takes a large bite

On the other side of the fence, two men in grey uniforms leads a walker through the yard tying the walker up. Shaun stands up and looks out towards the fence.

He watches the two men back away with one of the letters on the men's uniforms being an F. He looks at one of the walkers standing up then kneels back down.

He throws down two pieces of bread and covers dog food on the bread making a dog food sandwich.


He's whistling carrying the dog food sandwich on a paper plate down the hallway. In a completely dark room, the door opens revealing Vivian who shields her eyes from the bright light wearing a similar uniform but an A painted on the chest.

Shaun steps into the room and places the plate on the floor. Vivian grabs the sandwich and begins eating it. Shaun turns and walks back to the door

Vivian: Beth and Hershel's dead. I thought----you should know

Shaun stops in his tracks but doesn't turn towards her, he slams the door shut leaving her in darkness.

He walks around the corner and leans his forehead against the wall and begins sobbing, tears falling down his face.

He rears his fist back punching the wall harshly then slides down to the floor sobbing.


Music begins blaring loudly, Brian is laying on the floor as light oozes in underneath the door.

We're on Easy Street. And it feels so sweet. Cause the world is but a treat when you're on Easy Street.

Guilt and pain are flowing in Brian's eyes as he stares ahead as the music continues blaring through the small room.

TWD-Vivian GrimesWhere stories live. Discover now