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The door slides open and footsteps walks out into the courtyard. Rick dips his hands into a barrel of water splashing his face. He opens the gate and looks out towards the yard.

The camera pans out showing animal pens has been build around the yard and sounds of animals.

Ian is shoveling dirt when he looks up seeing his brother taking out a pair of gloves and grabs a hoe.

Rick: You're up early.

Ian: Yeah figured I would get a early start today.

Rick is hoeing though the dirt in the garden.

In a section of the fence, walkers are snarling surrounding the one part of the fence.

Ian hits something with his hoe and kneels down digging though the dirt. He pulls back the dirt revealing a gun buried in the ground. He grabs the gun and holds it in his hand staring at it.

He looks over the walkers snarling and rattling the fence slowly standing up to his feet. He stares down one of the walkers before pulling out the magazine chamber and tosses the gun into a wheelbarrow.


Rick is alone now as Carl makes his way down the path towards him.

Carl: You didn't wake me up.

Rick: Cause I know you were up all night reading comic books with a flashlight. Was Jenna with you too?

Carl: N-no.

His face turns a light shade of pink, looking away. Rick smiles ruffling his hair.

They both look into the pig pen seeing one of the pigs laying in the mud

Carl: What's up with Violet?

Rick: Carl, I told you not to name them.

Carl: I didn't. Violet was Jenna's

Rick: Uh huh sure.

Carl: Shut up.

Rick: They're not piglets anymore, they're food

Carl: We just thought, you know, until......okay

Rick sighs looking back to the pig

Rick: I don't know what's wrong with her. Could be sick. Could be nothing.

Rick clicks his tongue but the pig doesn't move a muscle.

Rick: Feel better, Violet.

He looks at Carl and smiles

Rick: Come on, we'll make Viv clean out the pig pen.


Jenna is helping Lyla make breakfast on a grill. Brian walks though the courtyard towards the grill

Morning, Brian

Brian: Morning

A bunch of people greets him all over the place. He looks around uncomfortable

Brian: Smells good

Lyla: Just so you know, I liked you first

Brian: I know you liked me first.

He grabs a bowl and shoves a piece of bacon into his mouth

Brian: You know, Rick and Ian brought a lot of them in too.

Lyla: Not recently. Give the stranger sanctuary, keeping people fed, you're gonna have to learn with the love.

Brian: I'd rather live with that thing you did last night, darling.

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