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Lyla is in her and Brian's cell packing her pack while sitting on the bed. Brian walks into the cell and grabs his pack helping her stand up and cups one side of her face kissing her softly on the lips before they link hands and leaves the cell.

Inside Grady's cell; Grady is holding his cross necklace around his neck murmuring a silent prayer before grabbing his pack and leaves the cell.

Vivian walks up to Beth and kisses her on the forehead then leans their heads together, closing their eyes and sighs in content before they link hands and walks away.

Ian leans against the door of Carl's cell who looks at him

Ian: You ready, champ?

Carl nods his head handing him his pack and the uncle/nephew walks towards the door. Grady grabs a baseball cap and places it on his hand before leaving his cell.


Rick: Carl---

Carl pulls away from him as Rick and Vivian watches him hand his pack to Lyla who throws it in the trunk.

Brian is underneath a hood of car, Glenn walks up

Glenn: I've never seen Carl this mad. Even with Lori, he just shut down.

Brian turns and looks at Carl

Brian: He's still a kid. It's easy to forget.

He slams the hood down and leaves. Vivian opens the door to the SUV taking one last look up towards the catwalk seeing her mom staring down at her.

Brian is kneeling beside his bike as Lyla stands behind him

Brian: Merle never did anything like this his entire life

Lyla: He gave us a chance.

She holds out her hand wiggling her fingers, he grabs her hand and stands up to his feet.


The Governor's people speeds down the road towards the prison. A grenade is fired hitting one of the guard towers making it go up in a large explosion.

Shumpert fires the 50. Cal machine gun up towards the other guard tower as the vehicles drives though the gate.

One hits the barb wire trap hidden on the road and comes to a stop. The 50. Cal rapid fires around the yard taking out several walkers in one fell swoop.

Machine guns also rapid fires while Martinez aims the grenade launcher firing exploding another guard tower.

Bullets from the 50. Cal shatters windows all over the prison as walkers falls down to the ground dead.

The people leaps out of the back of the truck

Governor: Go!

They march into the courtyard. Governor looks around holding a machine gun in his hand.

Governor: Go! Go! Move!

They march though the courtyard in formation scanning their weapons around noticing the outside is empty

They notice the door is slightly ajar and throws it open storming into the cell block, guns raised. The Governor follows them inside and looks around the block.

He makes his way into the cell block and peers inside each of the cells before entering one. He picks up a opened bible with writing inside; "I'll be taking your other eye real soon, dick"

He throws the bible against the wall, rage and anger filling his eyes as he storms out of the cell.

They hear a can clanking echoing loudly.

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